Robert (Bob) Kennedy
159 reviews

LING70 . Kennedy R A 4 Years Ago

Def fav prof at UCSB. Kennedy is a genuine guy and is passionate about what he's teaching. The material itself isn't difficult; show up to lecture and take good notes and there's no reason you need to do any of the readings. Midterm and final are fair + straightforward (MC and free-response). Easy and fun group project + only 4-5 hw assignments.

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 4 Years Ago

Take this class for the easy A and WRT req! Super friendly and generous professor. Lectures sometimes dull but good content. No reading needed, just attend lecture and take good notes. Grade solely based on 3 short homework assignments, a group project, a midterm, and a final. Do well on homework assignments, and you'll get the A! Bob is the GOAT!

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 4 Years Ago

I thought I would take this course after taking LING 70. HUGE mistake. I took it mainly for Area C and should have just taken a math course. If you are not interested in the technicality of how language works, phonemes, sound waves, frequencies of sounds etc..., you will find this class so so boring. I so regret it. Class would go the FULL 75mins.

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LING160 . Kennedy R A 4 Years Ago

I changed my major and avoided several classes because of this guy. He doesn't care about his students, only enjoys hearing himself speak. Have fun spending hours memorizing useless info that isn't applicable to anything else but his boring class. Terrible.

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

Kennedy's voice is very monotone, and the class wasn't what I expected from an into linguistics class. It was math heavy in languages and not very interesting. Kennedy is a nice guy and always tells "dad" jokes. 1 midterm & final (25% each) with MC/free response. Not my favorite subject, but Kennedy cares a lot about his students.

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

Tough professor and class, would recommend ling 70...

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

For a class about language, his control of English is certainly lacking. In many cases, particularly on homework assignments, the questions were very poorly worded, so much so that most time spent in section was spent with the TAs apologizing for the poor wording and explaining what it is meant to ask. Lectures are more example than content based.

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

He's a great prof and if you've ever taken a ling class before, the lecture will be super easy to understand. I didn't go to most lectures and I rarely did the readings. just make sure you ask your TAs or Prof about homework because that's worth a LOT of your grade. also take advantage of the EC he offers!!

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

Awful class with an unhelpful professor and TA's. Don't take this class if you want an easy GE, I advised Ling 70 for that.

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

This is the worst class I have ever taken at UCSB. LING 15 has no structure, there is no textbook being followed ad everything graded is on a whim because the professor doesn't know what he wants to count as incorrect or not. DO NOT take this class.

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

I'd take a class with Kennedy again, but mainly because it was so easy. Truthfully, I just didn't enjoy his lectures. It's a cool class, but it felt like we didn't start covering real world issues until the last 3 weeks. The first weeks mainly involved him complaining about trivial linguistics issues. He's a nice guy, but the class wasn't for me.

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

I came in thinking I wouldnt have to try at all and that was a mistake lol. Its not hard but you do have to put in some effort. Theres 4 assignments (40%), 1 midterm (20%), group project (20%), & final (20%). The group project was not that bad it was easy (if your group is cool).

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

He is one of the easiest teacher in UCSB. Only four super easy assignments for whole quarter and each only takes like an hour or two to finish. Plus, the instructions are clear so students can write it easily even they don't attend the class.

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

Professor Kennedy is one of the best lecturers I have came across so far! He is funny, he is passionate about the subject making it easier to stay focused. He is also an approachable guy! Very woke. I reeeeaaaally recommend this class!!!!

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

Great teacher who clearly knows the stuff and is always making such an effort. The classes are interesting and sometimes even funny. His office hours were very helpful and interesting too and the assignments and midterms are easy. You'll get an A if you put a little effort in.

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 6 Years Ago

Lecture isn't mandatory but strongly recommended. He posts all the lecture slides online but the context given in class is whats on the midterm/final. He's a great lecturer and really helpful in office hours and this is an easy GE course for Area C.

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 6 Years Ago

Professor Kennedy is a nice human being, but an awful professor. I took ling 15 assuming it would be an easy GE based on the course description; it was not. His lecture slides are incredibly unhelpful, and his explanations of them are usually not much better. Useless readings, unclear content, overall more difficult than necessary if taken for a GE

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 6 Years Ago

I loved this class and Kennedy! I don't really like linguistics but Kennedy was such a good lecturer that I really enjoyed the class. Kennedy is down to earth and really enthusiastic about what he teaches. Also the unit on digital media and the internet was really interesting, especially seeing him teaching us about memes.

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LING15 . Kennedy R A 6 Years Ago

Professor Kennedy was a great lecturer. If you want to do well listen and take notes on what he says versus what is on the screen. There was 5 homework assignments which counted for 50% of your grade. The TAs take long to grade though. The midterm and final are multiple choice, long-answer and short-answer but if you pay attention it is fine.

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LING108 . Kennedy R A 6 Years Ago

Lots of information is given during lecture. Do the homework and reading and you should be fine. Throws in some jokes to lighten up the mood at times. Unfortunately my learning style clashes with his teaching, but he's still a great professor and very helpful.

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 6 Years Ago

Ling 70 with Kennedy was the perfect GE to take. There's four super easy homework assignments and a group project that takes very little effort to complete. Don't buy the textbook--never cracked the book open and still got an A. The tests were really easy too. It wasn't the most exciting class but Kennedy's still a solid choice.

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 6 Years Ago

4 assignments throughout the quarter but not too bad. I realized pretty fast if you write more that might not be the top answer thats better than writing less and a better answer. Group project presented week before finals; however, super easy so dont sweat that. Just read slides he posts online and do study guide he gives out.

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 6 Years Ago

Prof. Kennedy is the definition of #woke. Although he tries to add in humor, his lectures are generally boring but I learned a lot. Ling70 was an easy A and a super easy class to fulfill the WRT GE. I attended all the lectures, did all my assignments on time, didn't do any of the readings and got an A.

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LING70 . Kennedy R A 7 Years Ago

I loved Professor Kennedy! He's hilarious, his lectures are interesting, and the class wasn't too hard either. I had a great experience in the class.

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