Robert (Bob) Kennedy
159 reviews

LING20 . Kennedy R A 4 Years Ago

His lectures can get boring, but when it's 9am, everything is boring. Very passionate about linguistics. I loved ling20, deciding to minor in TESOL because of that class. Assignment every week, straightforward midterm and final.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 4 Years Ago

Assignments every week, after the midterm got significantly harder. Read the book to pass quizes. Attend lecture to pass the midterm and final. Midterm and final were fine but you need to study and everything is off the slides. You have to work for your grade, if you slack off it will show.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 4 Years Ago

I took Ling20 with professor Kennedy in the fall of my 1st year. Overall the lectures were boring, but the professor was good. Online quiz every Tuesday and an online assignment (50% of grade) due every Friday afternoon. Midterm and final weren't super difficult if you study. Easy GE class but don't expect to be wowed by the material.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 4 Years Ago

I liked Kennedy a lot as a person, however the class was a little more difficult than anticipated. But he is very good at answering student questions. 50% of your grade comes from weekly homework assignments that are relatively easy to complete if you understand the concepts. 20% midterm 20% final 10% online quizzes you take on the readings 1x/week

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

A kind and responsible lecturer. He talks about linguistic topics clearly and makes a great outline. Lecture slacks posted online. Maybe sometimes lectures are boring but that's because of the characteristics of linguistics itself. Heavy homework and heavy reading, but you can learn a lot. Actually, tests are not so hard.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

Ling 20 covers a TON of info, but when it came to the midterm and final, we were tested on only a small portion of it. Tests/midterms are reasonable if you UNDERSTAND info; homework is graded very seriously. Although Dr. Kennedy can be a little monotone, he's an interesting and kind professor who cares about linguistics, so lectures are worth it.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

I took this class as a GE thinking it would be easy but it was really difficult, not in terms of tests but in terms of content. This class has an excessive amount of material for an introductory class. Homework is 50% of your grade so it's a good idea to go to TA office hours and check your work. Tests are relatively easy.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 5 Years Ago

Honestly, for me, it was an incredibly easy class with a great professor. I never opened a textbook for it and it was more than possible to do very well. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, but this class caused very little stress. Rockin professor too. Cool dude.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 6 Years Ago

took him for Ling20 over the summer. Great professor, meh TA, but he was really good at explaining things. Office hours are also really helpful and he's really understanding. It was pretty hard though, so you'd have to use the textbook a bit.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 6 Years Ago

Really easy, to the point tests. Pay attention in lecture and youll get a good grade on the exams. He can get really boring and writing down everything he says is unnecessary. Overall, hes really funny and what he teaches is very interesting.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 6 Years Ago

Took this class to fulfill GE. His lectures were super interesting and often times funny as well. Linguistics as a subject didn't really resonate with me, but he made the class more interesting. Tests were pretty difficult if you didnt read and stay engaged in the material in class. Stay on top of it and you should be okay.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 6 Years Ago

I overall enjoyed taking LING 20. Prof. Kennedy is extremely knowledgeable... but sometimes fails to explain things in a way that a student (who has never taken a LING class) can understand. There are online tests every week. Section helps a lot, but this course is difficult. I studied and attended every lecture and ended with 86.7%.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 6 Years Ago

Kennedy actually cares about what he's teaching and wants to be there. As long as you do the reading and do the homework you'll get an A, the final and midterm combined are only 40% of your grade which makes it easy to pass!

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 6 Years Ago

An amazing professor who really does care about his students. He's very knowledgeable about everything and anything linguistics-- if you are lucky enough to have him as a professor then you know he can make anything interesting. Not an easy A, but doable if you put forth the effort

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 6 Years Ago

Professor Kennedy is easily of the best overall professors here at UCSB. His class is laid-back and he is straight forward in his teaching. There are usually 2 homework quizzes a week that he assigns based on the textbook. He is well rounded, funny, and a very understanding professor if you communicate with him. Would easily take his class again.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 6 Years Ago

I didn't really enjoy the class since it doesn't have much to do with my major. The professor, however, is funny, interesting, and straightforward with his lectures. There is a lot of memorization.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 7 Years Ago

Kennedy knows his stuff. His lectures are content heavy but presented in a very clear way. Whenever students have questions, he is able to answer them with much clarity. Took it with Yi-Yang as my TA and loved him as well, very smart and approachable. Would recommend them both and this class highly!

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 7 Years Ago

Bob is the homie. Listen up for his subtle, yet clearly good natured humor and jokes. Make sure to peep his lunchbox, which he brings to class every day. The selection of hawaiian shirts is also phenomenal. Bob also handles all the idiotic questions from linguistic freaks with great ease. This is a good class to take just because of the professor.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 8 Years Ago

I passed the class, but I barely did the online homework so if I had put in more effort to do the homework and study, I would have gotten a better grade. It was an interesting subject/class.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 9 Years Ago

Kennedy might not be an actual professor, but he knows his linguistics. Section attendance is graded, but isn't super essential to passing. The tests are mostly book based, which doesn't provide a whole lot of practice problems so that's where lecture comes in. On a side note, he does have good taste in Hawaiian shirts. Great class!

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 9 Years Ago

Amusing and very knowledgeable. Read and go to lecture and take notes if you want to pass. Kennedy talks slowly but sometimes moves through slides a bit too fast. Be careful with the TAs; mine was competent but my friends in other sections didn't have such an easy time. Midterm and final aren't easy, but put in effort and you will do okay.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 9 Years Ago

Knows what he's doing, can actually teach, not boring, tries to keep things interesting and sometimes humorous.

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 10 Years Ago

Took this fall quarter, and realized that Kennedy is a really chill guy and has a weird but funny sense of humor! I enjoyed his class even when he got a little monotonous sometimes. Class wasn't necessarily mandatory but it helped so much, if someone was just trying to read the online text, they may not have understood the material. Cool class!

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LING20 . Kennedy R A 10 Years Ago

I loved Professor Kennedy. He could be a little monotone but he had his spontaneous funny moments. I would recommend taking this class, I thought it was an easy A.

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