Anna Brusutti
167 reviews

FAMST155CN . 3 Years Ago

Do not know her standing on grading paper.

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196FILMNOIR . 6 Years Ago

Anna knows Noir. I learned more than I ever thought was possible to learn on the subject and watched some very interesting films that I had not heard of. Shes fun and when I had a question about my final grade she met with me and thoroughly explained and went over my paper with me. I really appreciated the clarification. Would take another class.

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FAMST169 . 7 Years Ago

A professor who really knows her subjects. She can talk a little quiet so sit up close but her lectures are interesting, funny and she loves participation. Her exams and lectures are heavily based on the readings, additional links, and mentioned books or video. She loves if it you really dive in and go outside the class's subject matter on your own

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FAMST187SK . 7 Years Ago

A professor who really knows her subjects. Her lectures are interesting, funny and she loves participation. Her exams and lectures are heavily based on the readings and additional links she puts on GauchoSpace. She loves if it you really dive in and go outside the class's subject matter. Great friend outside the classroom too, always fun to talk to

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FAMST187SK . 7 Years Ago

Classes mostly consisted of a lecture/powerpoint and then a small discussion followed by a screening. Focuses more on the psychological/semiotic elements of film and less cinematography. Overall a great professor.

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FAMST187SK . 7 Years Ago

She's really cool! One of my favorite teachers at UCSB!

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FAMST169 . 8 Years Ago

do not recommend. Gave little to no helpful feedback on the take home midterm and quizzes were overly specific from the readings. Lecture was pointless, as she rambled on in a manner that was unclear. The textbook was also extremely dense.

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FAMST169 . 8 Years Ago

Prof. Brusutti is funny, charming, and passionate! I've never taken a film course in the past and was super worried I'd do horribly and felt out of place among all the film buffs, but she did an amazing job of keep film noir approachable and intriguing, allowing me to develop a genuine interest and love for it! She's such a great human!!!

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196FILMNOIR . 8 Years Ago

She is extremely nice and gets to the point. Film Noir was a great subject and you can tell she loves teaching film. Solid professor, but she does offer a lot of reading. Not too bad though

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169 . 9 Years Ago

Brusutti obviously loves film noir but most of what I learned came from the book. She assigns a LOT of readings on gauchospace too, but I barely read them. I showed up to most of the lectures and watched the films on my own and did fairly well. Either show up and don't read or read and don't go either well should be an easy A for a film student.

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FILM155SK . 11 Years Ago

I had professor Brusutti for 155SK (Stanley Kubrick) and Film 46. I like her teaching methods, and she was always very helpful to me outside of lecture. Read the book(s), make sure to attend class, and review your notes; I got an A with little to no effort involved.

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FLMST122 . 15 Years Ago

Great Teacher, Very interested in her subject. Helpful outside of class. Easy class. Would Recommend for film majors.

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FLMST45 . 16 Years Ago

Boring.She shows horrible movies that I would never watch on my own. Grades are NOT based on a curve. Must know material on the study guides handed out in class. TA's might be helpful, she is not helpful at all. Her behavior to be immature, unprofessional and rude. One of the worst professors. Avoid taking her!

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FLMST1 . 18 Years Ago

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FILM . 18 Years Ago

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FILM122IT169 . 18 Years Ago

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FILM122IT . 19 Years Ago

Great professor! shows meaningful films, knows A LOT about italian cinema and the related history. she expresses herself and describes the films creatively and comically at times. i loved her for film 46 as well!

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122ICETC . 19 Years Ago

Talk to her about the class, and you're guaranteed a good grade. Wish I'd been able to take more of her classes.

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INTROFILM . 20 Years Ago

Brusutti needs to pursue her job with more passion. She seems apathetic to the subject of film, so much that I actually decided to transfer schools. I'm much happier at the school I transferred to where I can actually pick up a camera and have in-depth conversations with teachers who are inspired.

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FILM170 . 20 Years Ago

One of the best 4 or 5 professors in the dept.

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FLMST169 . 20 Years Ago

she is the most knowledgable, enthusiatic, amazing proffessor and she knows all things about films. Her film choices are great. as for the quote: but your grade is entirely determined by your TA and that's what I hated most about the class. my perspective is that: its based on the work you do

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196FILMNOIR . 20 Years Ago

This was one of my favorite classes. Brusutti is really fun, and I never had a problem with her lectures or film picks. Stop complaining people. She's cool.

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FLMST151 . 21 Years Ago

Terrific professor, hard to understand at time, but very lenient and understanding. Knows her film history and has a passion for the material she teaches.

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