Anna Brusutti
163 reviews

FILM46 . 19 Years Ago

i don't know what these people are talking about! brusutti made this class amazing. this woman is one of the most knowledgable film professors i know. her lectures were interesting and stimulating! her film choices are amazing and do not conform to big budget features. i loved her and this class!!!

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FILMST46 . 19 Years Ago

DONT TAKE CLASS WITH HER it could have been so interesting but she made it horrible. Ive heard theyre trying to replace her & I hope its true bc she is hard to understand, mind numbingly boring, & picks bad movies. I never went to class not worth it at al

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FS46 . 19 Years Ago

This class totally had the potential to be cool. But the teacher was not very helpful in the sense that she would dwell on a clip or single point for so long that she would leave out other very important points. And I took her during the summer.

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FLST46 . 20 Years Ago

Don't take this class for an easy A like I did, because it won't happen. Brusutti's a really nice lady, but your grade is entirely determined by your TA and that's what I hated most about the class. The TA's are horrible and grade unfairly IMHO.

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FLMST46 . 20 Years Ago

I didn't like her class at all. For a major that's actually very interesting, I was beyond bored. And her instructions were very unclear to the point where she couldn't be satisfied.

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FILM46 . 20 Years Ago

Because of her, I changed my major. She made Film unenjoyable & downright lousy. She simply does not care about the individual student. I got a B+ in the class.

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FST46 . 20 Years Ago

Decent prof, but she chooses mostly so-so recent films to watch, and hardly any classics.

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FILM46169 . 20 Years Ago

Very unclear and uninformative, despite apparent knowledge and enthusiasm on subjects.

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FLMST46 . 20 Years Ago

Fun teacher, but TA's suck. They grade papers and quizes hard. Interesting class, but a lot of reading.

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FLMST46 . 20 Years Ago

a wonderful, jolly teacher with a real enthusiam for what she teaches!

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FLM46 . 20 Years Ago

She's a decent teacher, probably nicer than most you'll find on campus, and she grades midterms on a curve!

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FLMST46 . 20 Years Ago

sometimes her accent makes it hard to understand her, but other than that she is totally helpful and a great lecturer... makes the course interesting and picks great films.

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FLMST46 . 20 Years Ago

chooses course content well. always willing to field questions and explain details. fair tests and papers.

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FAMST169 . 7 Months Ago

Lecture was 3 hours and twice a week. It was very long and got tired easily, but it was worth going in to see the movies. Half was lecture and other half was for the movie. Some were online, but not all. The essays and the quizzes were extremely easy. She is extremely nice. The final was fair.

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FAMST169 . 7 Months Ago

Took Brusutti's 46 and 169 classes last quarter; she was a wonderful lecturer for both. She made the course content interesting and was helpful to talk to when I had questions about the assignments. The writing is not too difficult is you engage with the concepts, not very tough. Would recommend her for both!

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FAMST55CY . 8 Months Ago

She graded literally one assignment of 6 throughout the entire quarter and her feedback was incredibly confusing and her instructions on what she wanted were never clear. I would not say that this is a hard class, but it is extremely frustrating and you will not have any idea what your grade is until the day that the overall grade is due on Gold.

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FAMST55CY . 10 Months Ago

8/10 class. AREA F and WRT. Two papers each worth 20%. The topics are obscure, but you're free to use Chat GPT so they're both easy. There's a group project worth 30%, and an in person written final also 30%. Neither were put in the gradebook, so grades a mystery till the end. Lectures=a movie, but she never takes attendance so basically optional.

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FAMST122NI . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Literally the most boring and useless class I have ever taken. The only reason I go to class is to watch the films because I know I won't watch them on my own time. Lecture material is useless and she's extremely unorganized. No need to even take notes. Only upside to this class is that its really easy and if you watch the films you'll be chillin.

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FAMST155CN . 2 Years Ago

This was some awful grading, basically 4 short essays over the class, on each she said she wanted more, but never elaborated. And when I continued to spend more time and effort on the essays, I still got like 85% and the same feedback. The criteria was vague as hell and the feedback was severely lacking. Really disappointing after aFAMST46

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FAMST169 . 2 Years Ago

watch 2 films per week right after lecture. lots of readings, but you dont need to do them-she'll mention the important ones in lec. shes very sweet and excited about film noir so her lectures are not boring. 2 papers + short written final, 1 quiz on films 1 on readings. everything take home. really fair and would def take another class of hers

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FAMST155CN . 3 Years Ago

Do not know her standing on grading paper.

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196FILMNOIR . 6 Years Ago

Anna knows Noir. I learned more than I ever thought was possible to learn on the subject and watched some very interesting films that I had not heard of. Shes fun and when I had a question about my final grade she met with me and thoroughly explained and went over my paper with me. I really appreciated the clarification. Would take another class.

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FAMST169 . 6 Years Ago

A professor who really knows her subjects. She can talk a little quiet so sit up close but her lectures are interesting, funny and she loves participation. Her exams and lectures are heavily based on the readings, additional links, and mentioned books or video. She loves if it you really dive in and go outside the class's subject matter on your own

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FAMST187SK . 6 Years Ago

A professor who really knows her subjects. Her lectures are interesting, funny and she loves participation. Her exams and lectures are heavily based on the readings and additional links she puts on GauchoSpace. She loves if it you really dive in and go outside the class's subject matter. Great friend outside the classroom too, always fun to talk to

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