An introduction to the study of film as an aesthetic and social phenomenon, and to various methods of critical analysis.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeBrusutti is knowledgeable about film theory, but her lectures can be dry. Textbook is tedious, but Unstuck ai helped me ace the papers. For a GE, it's manageable if you stay engaged.
The lectures consisted of watching films for the majority of the class time. She would go overtime often by 5-15 minutes. The lecture attendance isn't taken but sections with the TA are. She doesn't care if you walk out mid lecture. If you plan to skip lectures, I advise you do attend the ones closer to midterm and finals season.
Anna is a good and kind professor. I attended her seminar and I love her so much. I recommend all students to take her seminar. But her quiz in 46 is always out of study question.
She's a really nice lady and she has a lot of interesting things to say but everything she says is like a riddle and it's very confusing to follow her lectures. She talks like we are already supposed to know all of this stuff but some of us are new to film. Her quizzes are filled with all this terminology and concepts she never goes over in class.
An introduction to key concepts in film and the industry. I have a background in film so I found the textbook (PDF) readings long and unengaging. Certain concepts from the textbooks will be on exams, but they are discussed in section. If you take notes during lecture and do the readings it's fine.
She isn't the most tech-savvy, and slides can be pretty disorganized/misleading, but Brusutti is such a sweet lady and to even criticize her hurts me. You can tell she's passionate about the material. Only 2 papers, short multiple choice P/NP quizzes, and a written open-note final. If you love film this works as a decent GE.