Kenneth (Ken) Hiltner
296 reviews

ENG22 . Hiltner K C 7 Years Ago

easy teacher. Take it for an easy GE class. Just read the reader (not that long to be honest.) And before the midterm or final, just study the prezi online and you'll do fine. Movies are interesting too and no section. One of the best classes offered here at UCSB for GEs

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 7 Years Ago

He's an excellent lecturer, although you may lose focus at times. His slides are rich with information and the Prezi form is incredible. Show up to lectures for iclicker credit. Tests are extremely fair and there are no surprises if you study a good amount. you dont have to take notes, just listen. when reviewing, look at the slides online.

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 8 Years Ago

This course was INCREDIBLE. Ken Hiltner is awesome. He posts all of the official student evaluations, which are similar to these comments, to his personal website: kenhiltner (dot) com under "Student Feedback." There are hundreds of comments there. (Why don't more professors do this???) He is clearly one of the most popular professors at UCSB.

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 8 Years Ago

Great course. Amazing professor. It is up to you how involved you become, as the readings can be a bit hard and the lectures long. However, in terms of environmental issues and thinking, the course can be eye-opening, even life-changing, if you give it a chance. Really great lectures if you care enough to actually show up for them.

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ENGL22 . Hiltner K C 8 Years Ago

Lectures are 2 hours long. Don't waste your time going to them. You can get the information online. Do the readings. The tests are at least 3/4 based on the readings. Easiest Area G GE class you can take. Boring, but easy.

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 8 Years Ago

The lectures are online in case you miss them but his lectures were really long and cover a lot of time periods. His lectures seem to repeat the information over and over again. The tests were easy if you know the basis of the assigned readings. Overall, the class was graded fairly with chances to improve.

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 8 Years Ago

In the beginning I would go to lecture, but it was too long to sit through (1 hour & 50 mins). I ended up only going to the lecture before the midterm, the day of the midterm, the lecture before the final & the day before the final. As long as you read the reader, watch the films, & study his Prezi, you will pass no problem.

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ENGL22 . Hiltner K C 8 Years Ago

Should read to pass. Not a bad class to learn the environmental aspect of literature, but the class was just really late in the evening and they were also long lectures.

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 8 Years Ago

Ken is a very smart man. His voice will inspire you to talk like him for the rest of the quarter. The overall purpose of this class is to read stories and understand the environmental implications from them. Not a hard class. *Side Note* He is against deforestation yet uses a 550 PAGE READER with most pages only using 1/4 THE PAGE.. haha oh man

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 8 Years Ago

Hiltner is a great lecturer. It is clear that he cares deeply about the environment which makes the class even better. It is a lot of reading but if you go to lecture and take good notes theres no need to sweat if you miss some of it. I would highly recommend.

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ENG122 . Hiltner K C 9 Years Ago

Professor Hiltner is the best. He really cares about his students and takes the time to listen to every response. He always ask for students opinion. Some professors like to hear the sound of their own voice but not Hiltner. Every comment is important. His tests are based on lectures. He is super personable and is big on Environmental literature.

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ENGL22 . Hiltner K C 10 Years Ago

Professor Hiltner is old and is very passionate about what he's teaching, but talks very slowly. I didn't attend some lectures because the Prezi's were online. MT and Final are easy as long as you read the given PDF [he doesn't make you buy any books].

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 10 Years Ago

Pretty boring class. All his lectures are online and he doesn't take attendance so its easy to skip class and still get a good grade in the class. Sections were online, which was easy but don't think it helped me learn the material very well. lots of reading , most readings are old and boring. Easy A as long as you do the reading.

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ENG122 . Hiltner K C 12 Years Ago

Excellent professor, exams are straightforward if you do the reading and go to class. However, WATCH OUT for TA's! My TA was so pretentious I wanted to die just listening to him talk, plus his grading rubric for the paper was 3 pages long. Get a good TA!

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ENVS122 . Hiltner K C 12 Years Ago

Hiltner was crystal clear in what he wanted from his students. In order to get an A, you probably do have to read seeing as there were some specifics on the exams which were not covered in lecture. Papers were a little tough and grading depends purely on your TA. Overall, good class for area G and ES elective.

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ENG122 . Hiltner K C 13 Years Ago

Really makes an effort to engage with his students and tries to meet with all of them outside of class by scheduling appointments with them. Very personable. He has a lot of good comments reguarding the material in class, really makes you reconsider humanity's relationship to the environment. Only complaint is he read too much of the slides

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ENG122 . Hiltner K C 13 Years Ago

A decent amount of reading but he is not out to get you. Midterm and final aren't too tough, papers are a bit tough though

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ENGL122 . Hiltner K C 13 Years Ago

a truly wonderful professor. it is clear that he loves what he does and that he works hard to make sure the class is interesting and that students are able to succeed. he was very helpful and actually answers questions with substantial answers. i would highly suggest taking this class whatever major/minor you are!

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LE122 . Hiltner K C 13 Years Ago

The best course, and most outstanding professor, that I have had at UCSB. This course caused me to completely reconsider how human beings relate to the environment.

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ENGL122 . Hiltner K C 14 Years Ago

great professor, very clear and straight forward with his tests and essays. Picked great subject material too

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ENG122 . Hiltner K C 15 Years Ago

Great Professor, his lectures were so clear and well organized that he made a challenging subject much more interesting. Reading was sometimes very dry and hard to understand, but he would always explain the signifcance in class. Two tests and two papers that were very straight forward.

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ENG23 . Hiltner K C 28 Days Ago

Prepare for a heavy workload - lots of readings, films, and memorization required. But if you put in the effort, unstuckstudy AI and other study tools can really help you succeed on the tough exams.

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ENGL24 . Hiltner K C 2 Months Ago

Although this class has 140 pages of reading every week and a film assigned every week, it is totally doable if you keep up. The guest lectures might be a bit boring, take notes it helps. During the TA strike he actually included many curves, some people's grades were raised a whole letter grade.

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ENGL24 . Hiltner K C 3 Months Ago

If you are one of the people who knows they are great at remembering things and multiple choice tests, this is a phenomenal GE. Not the most interesting class, but tests are always curved and if you're not lazy and actually do the work they should be pretty easy. People complaining here must be either mid test takers or simply not up to par.

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