Kenneth (Ken) Hiltner
296 reviews

ENGL22 . Hiltner K C 3 Years Ago

Ken, as he likes to be referred as, is passionate about what hes teaching and inspires me to treat the environment better. He is informative, enlightening and interesting, even though his lectures are on the longer side. I took his class online and as long as you watch the lectures and take notes, the class is an easy A.

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 3 Years Ago

If you put in 1 hour a week, you should get an A. If you space out the work, you should get an A. Ken does not want to fail anyone and in fact, it is clear he wants as many kids to get As as possible.

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 3 Years Ago

Ken was super nice and made class expectations clear from the start. Lots of readings but his lectures go over everything you'll need to know for quizzes, the midterm, and the final. Only other assignment was weekly film comments, which were a piece of cake. He also picks out really interesting films, in my opinion. Overall, easy A.

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ENGL22 . Hiltner K C 3 Years Ago

This class not only was an easy A but it can really alter your perspective on the world and especially the environment. Lots of reading but you can get by if you skim. Really loved this man so genuine and passionate about this subject.

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ENGL122EA . Hiltner K C 4 Years Ago

There were no lectures in this class and just a rotation of student presentations with guided discussion after. This class was really informative and enjoyable. The final project tanked my grade a little and wasn't that related to the class but still would recommend overall.

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 4 Years Ago

Took him for Engl 22 (102% grade) and engl 23 (100%). Tests are curved a lot, and homework is very easy to do for both classes. Lectures can become repetitive. Very easy class.

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 4 Years Ago

Professor Ken is a super duper good teacher who makes his students enjoy taking his classes and staying at the lectures for the entire period of time. You should absolutely take his class and learn useful climate crisis solution from him. He should be honored as the best teacher in UCSB, honestly.

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ENGL22 . Hiltner K C 4 Years Ago

Ken's a good guy who rly cares about the environment but WOW eng 22 is boring. Lectures are both mandatory and truly mind numbing. Tests contain questions such as "What is the best description for the color of Plato's left sock?" Movies will preach eating manure veggies and owning 1000 acres of land instead of feasible solutions.

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ENGL22 . Hiltner K C 4 Years Ago

If u study 5h for your midterm, you are 100% fine

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 4 Years Ago

One of the best professors I've had here at UCSB. He is well-organized and knows his lectures off the top of his head-not constantly looking up what he is going to say. I appreciate the fact that he does not make us pay for online access to his lectures and videos!! The readings are relevant and very well taught.

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 4 Years Ago

Professor Hiltner was one of the more interesting professors I have had at UCSB. He clearly cares about the climate crisis and has made me care about it too. I would definitely recommend taking his class!

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 4 Years Ago

Tests easy, kind of trivia-like. Lectures useless; majority of people just go for iClicker. If you just watch the films, skim the course readings, use Quizlet, & go through the Prezi well, you'll get an A/A-. Learned a lot through the Prezi and films; I have a new perspective on many things now. Ken is knowledgeable & wants to make a difference!

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ENGL22 . Hiltner K C 4 Years Ago

English 22 was a very easy and decently interesting class. There was a fair amount of reading homework, but I hardly did any of it and I still ended with 98% in the class. You have to show up to the lectures and pay attention to do well if you dont do the reading though. Overall Ken is a g and a super smart and thorough professor.

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 4 Years Ago

The lecture is a little boring but it helps. He gives many extra credits so you can easily get an A if you study. Very excellent professor in his own field.

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 4 Years Ago

Some of the readings can be lengthy, however he breaks down the book's ideas and gist of what you need to know for the exams during lecture. 30% of your grade is just showing up to class. The exams are pretty easy if you just do the readings and watch the films, almost a guaranteed A/A-. He also gave the class extra credit on BOTH exams.

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 4 Years Ago

His lectures were hard to listen to because the classes are so large and he speaks monotone. No one pays attention and you can understand more from reading the prezis yourself as oppose to listening to him read them off exactly in lecture. Attendance is mandatory (the only reason why people go). Grades are attendance, film responses, and exams.

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 4 Years Ago

Attendance for lectures is mandatory, taken via iclicker. Lectures are hard to follow/ pay attention to due the number of students in the course, and there are no sections to reiterate or analyze what was taught in class. He posts his prezis though so you are able to go back or try to teach yourself.

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 4 Years Ago

Easily the WORST prof I've ever had. He's so boring and reads directly off the powerpoint which is ENTIRELY huge paragraphs. You gain absolutely nothing from attending lecture, but you have to because iClicker is worth 30% so every time you miss, it takes 1% off your grade. idk what class these other reviewers went to, but it sure wasn't mine.

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ENG122 . Hiltner K C 5 Years Ago

One of the best professors I've had. Discussion based lectures so you need to do the readings to fully understand what's going on but man oh man did this class change me. I have never been more excited to leave class knowing what I learned will actually help me in life. Summer session so it grades were on 2 tests, 1 paper, and attendance.

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 5 Years Ago

Environmental lit. was amazing! He had all of his slides neatly organized on Prezi and had some short/difficult readings (that he clears up in his lectures). He also had polls in order to take attendance which he immediately adds into the grades. The class was mainly based on attendance, the midterm, and final (some Q's are based on the reading!)

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ENGL22 . Hiltner K C 5 Years Ago

Hiltner is an interesting guy. He is clearly very smart and interested in environmental issues but his enthusiasm doesn't come across in his lectures. His voice is extremely monotone and lectures are repetitive and dull at times. Class was super easy and undemanding but you must show up. Readings were interesting but long

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 5 Years Ago

Probably my favorite professor at UCSB. Because of him, I have chosen to do the literature and environment emphasis on my English major. I enjoyed all the readings we had to do as they varied from old (first story - epic of Gilgamesh) to modern (e.g. silent spring), and he went in depth and always left us in awe. Caring and extremely knowledgeable.

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ENGL122RW . Hiltner K C 5 Years Ago

This was the first time he taught this course. It was interesting, an easy A, but some of the students presentations were so boring. He only grades on the presentation, which is a group presentation, and the final 8 page essay. No tests or quizzes. Participation matters. Theres a class discussion after every presentation, but readings optional.

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ENG22 . Hiltner K C 5 Years Ago

Attendance was mandatory. Lectures were interesting, but the Prezi is word-heavy. They're posted though. Interesting topics. Reader wasn't bad or that expensive. Required novels to read, but I only read half of both and got a good score. iClicker attendance. Hiltner's voice is slightly boring, but he's not bad at explaining concepts.

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