Kenneth (Ken) Hiltner
296 reviews

ENGL24 . Hiltner K C 3 Months Ago

this class had the potential to be interesting but the tests were super tedious and difficult for no reason. over 150 pages of reading per week which was usually not interesting, overall a difficult class to manage if you are taking other hard classes. ken doesn't really do much in this class though its all speakers and readings.

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ENGL24 . Hiltner K C 3 Months Ago

There are about 150 pages of reading and a 2-hour film every week, so if you don't want to put in the work, do not take the class. Ken did not handle the TA strike well and canceled the final leaving many students with failing grades due to poor performance on the midterm. He did little to help students do well in his course and had no sympathy.

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ENGL24 . Hiltner K C 4 Months Ago

Good class to take if you complete the weekly films (1-2hrs) and readings (100-150pg). Taking notes during lecture is also important. Most of the people complain that it is difficult, but this is because they didn't do the work. Attendance is very important for grade and taken with iClicker. Ken is very nice and understading

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ENG23 . Hiltner K C 4 Months Ago

this class isn't super difficult, but a lot of time needs to be devoted to the course though. both the midterm and final are heavily based on the material learned in lecture (weekly videos, weekly documentaries, readings, and lectures). his lectures are generally flat, but if you dedicate time to the course you'll do well.

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ENG23 . Hiltner K C 5 Months Ago

Only take this class if you have the time and energy to pay attention to films, lectures, and have a lot of free time to do his boring readings. If you are taking classes that are really time consuming don't take this class unless you are pass no passing it.

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ENG23 . Hiltner K C 5 Months Ago

Ken was a cool person but a terrible professor. He was not engaging, lecture was monotonous and he just read off students' comments without telling us anything new. Long weekly readings/films for homework. The midterm and final asked obscure, nitpicky questions and were weighed to be the majority of our grade which made a lot of students suffer.

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ENG23 . Hiltner K C 5 Months Ago

Do not take this for a GE if you are looking for a low-effort class. His lectures were incredibly boring and halfway through all he would do was read other students comments on discussion posts. There are films and readings every week that you have to memorize if you want to pass the class. Most of his class material is completely subjective.

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ENGL23 . Hiltner K C 5 Months Ago

Lectures were extremely boring and difficult to pay attention to (and also mandatory). There were also additional lecture videos we would have to watch outside of class times. Exams are extremely specific which means you have to really pay attention to all the readings, videos, and lectures. Overall just too much work for a GE and not worth it.

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ENGL23 . Hiltner K C 6 Months Ago

Lecture are long and boring and extra lectures online. You better take notes during those lectures, since he will randomly pick statistical information from those lectures for the exam. There is one reading and a documentary discussion. The writing is acceptable, but you need to remember every important point in reading and film to get high score.

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ENG23 . Hiltner K C 6 Months Ago

Love you Hiltner

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ENG23 . Hiltner K C 6 Months Ago

this class is NOT and easy GE so don't take if that's what you were hoping for. the class is entirely memorization and his lectures are mandatory even though he makes you watch the video lectures because that's what you need to know for the tests. highly recommend pass/no pass for this class.

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ENG23 . Hiltner K C 6 Months Ago

Do not take this class if you are looking for an easy GE. His exams are ridiculously hard and the only possible way you can hope to do well is if you take extensive notes on all of the readings, lectures, and films. He says that he wants you to understand the main objective of his assignments, but tests you on random statistics and small details.

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ENGL23 . Hiltner K C 6 Months Ago

made us watch a video of him talking every single lecture rather than him talking irl. If i wanted to watch his videos i would rather watch them at home. forced us to attend too with his iclickers. exams were based on what his comments were after this boring lecture videos, which was even worse.also made us watch biased documentaries.

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ENG23 . Hiltner K C 6 Months Ago

This was almost entirely memorization! The lectures were so boring. There are so many extra materials and it takes hours to go over it, but the two exams rely on insanely specific details. He preaches accessibility yet attendance is 20% of the class with no permitted absences, and many documentaries had sensitive topics with no warning.

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ENGL23 . Hiltner K C 6 Months Ago

I would only recommend this class if ur going to pass/no pass. homework is easy and class is quite interesting + Hiltner is obv passionate about it. However tests are horribly unfair. A midterm & final are 60% of the grade and he asks super specific obscure questions. Class itself is good but bc of the tests I can't recommend which is sad :(

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ENG23 . Hiltner K C 6 Months Ago

Weekly readings and films + comments for each of them. No section but you have to watch his online lecture. midterm on the first half of class and the other is for other half of class. Lots of work is required for this class, Iclicker is how lecture attendance is taken. Not sure why our tests are all on paper but this class is for climate crisis.

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ENG23 . Hiltner K C 6 Months Ago

Ken is an icon. He's super passionate about what he teaches, and honestly made me passionate about his class. English 23 has changed my life. This class is also really straightforward. The only tests are a midterm and final. As long as you do the readings, go to lecture, and watch the films you'll get an A.

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ENG23 . Hiltner K C 7 Months Ago

Lectures are the same as reading, you dont learn new information in class but uses iClicker. Tests are hard! No clear way to study; he asks specific questions: recount what he said in a particular lecture or an obscure statistic. Feels like hes shaming you into to going vegan or to stop flying. Fine GE not much work If you can avoid ken, I would

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ENGL23 . Hiltner K C 1 Year, 6 Days Ago

This professor changed my life. I grew so much as a person from taking this course and I am so grateful for it. Easily the most important class I have taken here. I would highly recommend 23 as this is where you get all the info on the climate crisis and it really isn't much work. English 24 was reading heavy. TAKE HIS HONORS SECTION its amazing.

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ENGL24 . Hiltner K C 1 Year, 23 Days Ago

Took this pass/no pass even after I got 97% on the midterm. Didn't really do much second half of the quarter and went in pretty blind to the final and if I had gotten one more question right I would have gotten an A. Pretty easy class, yet it is still pretty interesting. Read >500 page book in two days on audible 3.4x speed. Why are people talking?

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ENGL24 . Hiltner K C 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Just take notes on everything said in lecture by him & guest speakers and reread them a few times for the midterm & final and you'll be fine. Lots of reading per week. Weekly Youtube comments. iClicker for lectures. Very sweet guy but wish the lectures were more structured bc some speakers would talk about a whole bunch of nothing

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ENGL23 . Hiltner K C 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Just watched videos in lecture. As long as you do your work and go to class, you will be fine.

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ENGL24 . Hiltner K C 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

though his lectures are extremely boring, his course itself is not too hard. the comments take minimal time and you can get away with a pass after doing virtually no work.

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ENGL24 . Hiltner K C 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

This class is the most reading-heavy out of 22, 23, & 24; there are about 150 pgs of a book to read per week. Other than that, his lectures were interesting and I really enjoyed this class. Ken is very passionate about his work and it shows. If you have any interest in the climate, take this class! Attendance is mandatory.

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