Cindy Benelli
175 reviews

ECON9 . Benelli C A 5 Years Ago

Professor Benelli is a nice lady, but her lectures are not necessary. I, along with most, taught myself. There is a textbook that you can buy along with the TopHat subscription, but I wouldn't recommend it because it wasn't necessary. She does post her slides online. There are 3 Midterms and a Final, grading is somewhat lenient.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 5 Years Ago

get ready to teach yourself because her lectures are at best a framework to guide you on the material. her examples dont always make sense and sometimes make lectures unfollowabke and incoherent. nice lady, bad teacher.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 5 Years Ago

You either love her or hate her. Shes pretty kooky but has a ton of energy and is clearly passionate about Econ. Go to office hours, shes easy to talk to and just wants to help! Show her youre taking her class seriously and follow through and theres no way you get a bad grade.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 6 Years Ago

GO TO LECTURE. Cindy's personality and humor is very unique, you either hate her or love her. The class is very test heavy, the midterm was 40% of the class. She tends not to test on new material leading up to the tests which was nice. Lectures can be hard to follow sometimes, but if you put in the work, read, study and ask questions you can excell

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 6 Years Ago

Benelli is a great professor. She explains concepts well and reiterates important information multiple times. Material itself is challenging at times but always rewarding. Tests are simple and practice questions are uploaded on GS. The other people rating Benelli badly must not have been paying attention in lecture.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 6 Years Ago

Hectic quarter because she tried to teach all the material in 9 weeks. Expected us to know the material that she didn't teach. There's a lot of exams. She gets off topic sometimes. I learned more from my T/A than I did from her. If you took econ in high school you should be fine. If you didn't, like me, good luck!

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 6 Years Ago

This class is very meh

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 6 Years Ago

I've literally never had a worse professor. Her lectures are unbearable, so cringey and incredibly disorganized. She did not explain a single concept. I had to teach myself everything just using the book. I can't believe she's allowed to teach. I don't know a single person who likes her but unfortunately nobody else teaches this class

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 6 Years Ago

If you go to lecture/section and do the practice problems Cindy puts online, you'll do fine in this class. She explains econ in a way that makes sense to non-econ majors, and she repeats concepts and topics a bit, which makes it easy to understand and remember.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 6 Years Ago

Cynthia's lectures are really informational and chances are if you attend lecture, you'll do okay in the class. She has an interesting personality and I couldn't tell if she was being serious or sarcastic. Overall, she has really great lectures and she uploads all of them online.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 7 Years Ago

I thought she was great! Even though attendance is mandatory, I think you need to attend both lecture and section to do well. Lectures are important because she tells you what she expects on the tests and sections are important because the TAs explain everything in detail. If you attend everything and take good notes you should be fine.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 7 Years Ago

Cindy's lectures were great but I feel like her slides were a bit all over the place. The tests were nothing like what she taught in class but she had a very generous curve. She is disorganized and rude at times but I would recommend the class if you want to take an "easy" Econ class.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 7 Years Ago

I really really really do not like Cindy. She is very disorganized and for someone who has never taken Econ before, I was very confused. Her slides are badly organized and her tests never reflected what we learned in class. She is very full of herself and the way she talks really made lecture unbearable.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 7 Years Ago

Def suggest you attend her lectures. She is a little sassy but I honestly just think it's funny and kinda great. She curves each test (and it's a very generous curve to say the least) and doesn't like to trick people. She tells you what you need to know and gives great examples pertaining to whatever subject we're covering. Not a lot of hw either.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 7 Years Ago

Great class, learned a lot, but it was not easy. You have to be ready to work hard. If you attend lecture, take good notes and pay attention, you should be fine. Did not use the textbook at all, my notes from lecture/section were enough.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 7 Years Ago

Benelli is honestly a pretty good professor, just a bit tough and intimidating. I didn't do too well on 2/3 exams, but studied hard for the final and did the extra credit that she was nice enough to offer. It's a tricky class but if you work hard for the grade you can do it.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 7 Years Ago

She has great enthusiasm when she teaches and it helps students remain engaged during lectures. Her quizzes were pretty difficult but if you put in the effort to study and go to office hours, you should do just fine.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 7 Years Ago

Charming and easy to listen too.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 7 Years Ago

Cindy was super clear in every topic she talked about, she was also really energetic for an 8 am class! You can tell she really loves to teach and has a huge passion for Econ. I'm not an Econ major and have always dreaded taking an Econ class but she made the subject very enjoyable

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ECON109 . Benelli C A 12 Years Ago

Take notes in lecture and you will do fine. perfect if you are not a math person. She is easy to get along with and I found her pretty funny.

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ECON109 . Benelli C A 13 Years Ago

Easy class if you go to lectures. Her midterm/final were straight from lecture notes. However, she is a hard grader and pretty mean when you talk to her about regrades, or about anything in general.

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114A . Benelli C A A Month Ago

Professor Benelli is a great professor. Her teaching style may seem a bit unorthodox, but she really cares about her students that show initiative. Showing up to lecture isn't mandatory, but its HIGHLY recommended! Most exam questions are hinted at during lecture, giving the students who show up an advantage. Thanks Cindy!

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ECON114 . Benelli C A 3 Months Ago

She's an awesome person and very relaxed and understanding. I see why other people say she is unorganized, but it will never inflict upon your grade. The class is so chill and kind of interesting. Very relaxed class. ESPECIALLY for an econ class.

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ECON114 . Benelli C A 4 Months Ago

The prof is pretty chill but I don't think I can ever take another class with them again. When the reviews were claiming that they're very unorganized, I honestly thought it couldn't be that bad. But it is that bad!! Our first exam wasn't hard, but the questions/topics were inconsistent with what they claimed would come up on the exam.

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