Cindy Benelli
175 reviews

ECON9 . Benelli C A 3 Years Ago

If you want to actually learn econ in an organized format, I would not recommend Benelli. You can tell she cares and wants to engage with students but she's having a hard time with teaching online... she often mentions that teaching remotely is more challenging than getting her PhD. Feel bad for her, but yeah her class is a struggle bus.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 3 Years Ago

I honestly cant believe so many people didnt have a good experience with Benelli! I was skeptical taking the class because of her ratings, but I thought she was awesome & very nice. I didnt attend classes for about half the quarter, never went to a single section, barely studied, and got a B+. Cindy is very accommodating & wants to help you.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 3 Years Ago

Benelli is a nice woman but she has zero organizational skills, making her class near impossible. Regardless of if you understand the material, she makes the quizzes so confusing and unorganized (I suspect she isn't writing the questions herself, so they don't match with what she is teaching) that its pretty difficult to do well on them.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 3 Years Ago

Honestly, Prof. Benelli is a great person and means well, but she has not at all adapted to the online format. Deadlines keep changing, class is supposed to meet 3 times a week but only meets once, and the content is completely different than the syllabus. This class is an absolute mess, all of the slides in recorded lectures are WAY too fast.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 3 Years Ago

So sweet, you can tell shes passionate about what she does and teaches! A little bit hectic just being online, but I thought she adapted well given the circumstances. I genuinely enjoyed this class and learned a lot!

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 4 Years Ago

Take this class if it's offered remote! She adapts her class very well for her remote students. I've heard otherwise when taking it in person. Overall, Benelli is very unorganized and impossible to reach over email. She's really trying her best though, and I appreciate her effort. The only difficult part were quizzes, but even then totally doable.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 4 Years Ago

Professor Benelli was extremely kind and caring and her positive attitude made a subject that I am not usually interested in much more bearable. Despite organizational issues, I would say the class was fair and made easier due to her understanding demeanor. It may be different for those that take it in person but this was my experience!

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 4 Years Ago

This class was a blessing. Yes, she was a little unorganized, but definitely NOT to the point where it should have an effect on your grade. She's extremely accommodating, has a very calming voice, and easy to follow. If this class is just to knock out a minor prerequisite or gen-ed, I highly suggest taking her.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 4 Years Ago

Profesor Benelli is one of the most caring, sweet professors I have ever had. She genuinely cares about how her students are doing- more than just academically but on a personal level. She is so understanding and supportive. Not only that, but she puts immense effort into teaching and making sure her students absorb the material.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 4 Years Ago

Benelli has a lot of controversy, but I did fairly well by always attending lecture. It's easy to get lost if you don't pay attention b/c of her complicated examples. You can also never go to class & watch yt vids but this worked for me. She's really funny and approachable. Also, definitely don't waste your money on the book & js take good notes

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 4 Years Ago

I loved Econ and I got a good grade by studying hard and doing the work. Going to class wasn't necessary, she's a lovely lady but she's a very odd professor.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 4 Years Ago

Was very all over the place for a lot of her lectures. Often went on economic tangents about concepts that she then would say were not on the test, thus wasting time. While she is very caring and wants to make sure everyone passes, she can often make relatively simple concepts confusing.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 4 Years Ago

You can do well if you 1) attend lecture, 2) read the book, 3) attend section, and 4) do the practice problems (!!). Lectures were kind of confusing and often very indirect. They were entertaining, but not my personal learning style. The book is more direct, but I really would still recommend going to class. Sections were very straightforward.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 4 Years Ago

I was definitely frustrated with the class at some points this quarter, but she was consistently nice, caring and helpful even if the class was a little unstructured! She posts everything online and has a very fair grading system, but she isn't always the most clear or organized with her lectures. She is helpful if you use her as a resource though!

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 4 Years Ago

Benelli is a nice lady, but honestly, lectures are kind of pointless. I managed an A in the course with barely showing up. What really matters is that you GO TO SECTION and DO THE HOMEWORKS. They are a big grade booster. Also you should for sure get the textbook, its really good and make sure to do practice tests on GS before exams super helpful.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 4 Years Ago

WARNING: Every test had questions omitted, controversial answers, and unequal grading or a combination of all 3. Content is easy, but Cindy makes it 10x harder by over explaining and skimming hard, easy to miss concepts. Also witnessed her essentially disregard an international students concern about their understand of an english word on a test.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 4 Years Ago

Benelli is all over the place. She spends way too much time on long-winded metaphors and often tests on things she briefly or never went over. The content itself is not super difficult but she makes it more complicated than it is. If you like to- the-point profs this is NOT the class for you. Went to every lecture and am still lost.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 4 Years Ago

Her quizzes are nothing like the practice quizzes. Her lectures are unclear and hard to follow

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 4 Years Ago

Cindy is a very nice lady, but I could not follow her lectures AT ALL. She jumped from slide to slide, and never posted them after class like she said she would. Her grading was never clear. I also did all of the xc assignments which looked like I received credit for, but at the end, I only got credit for one ?? weird

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ECON109 . Benelli C A 4 Years Ago

Her way of teaching is very disorganized and although she claims you do not need the textbook or tophat, she pulls alot from them on the exams and has repeatedly put material on the test that we did not cover in class.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 4 Years Ago

I absolutely adore Cindy Benelli: shes passionate about her field and you can tell how much she genuinely loves Econ. The class is, however, hard if you havent taken any Econ before, but if you took AP microecon in high school its pretty easy. There are three midterms and a final, and Id say theyre fair. Some homework, but not excessive at all

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 4 Years Ago

She talks a lot, as in she goes off topics into these weird tangents. She's nice, funny sometimes, and she's also really passionate about Econ so that makes her cool. She knows how to keep you up for an 8 am or even an 9am with her energy. She's all about *EcOn WoRlD* GOT IT?!?!?!?!

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 5 Years Ago

Cindy was a genuinely nice person, but lectures are all over the place. Attending lectures is basically unnecessary, you can learn just as much (probably more) from Econ Videos on YouTube. The grading scale is very odd, good luck attempting to figure out the curve. The whole course is confusing, but Econ 9 is still better than taking both Econ 1/2

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 5 Years Ago

Cindy was decent, but she needs to get her stuff together. It was a 9am so I skipped lecture for weeks at a time, and still got an A. TopHat textbook isn't mandatory unless you skip lecture like I did - it saved my grade. Most of the grade is 3 midterms and a final. She does really care about her students, although she can be sassy at times.

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