Cindy Benelli
175 reviews

ECON9 . Benelli C A 4 Months Ago


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ECON9 . Benelli C A 6 Months Ago

This class was unbelievably frustrating. While relatively easy, the tests were never what she said they would be, she was always more than 15 minutes late and never took any responsibility. I would not say do not take it if you need to but the class was a mess and it was incredibly frustrating.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 6 Months Ago

The class is very easy. The workload is light, no external reading, and the tests are very short and easy. There are also extra credit opportunities and the ability to take the final as a replacement test grade. As a teacher she is okay but is very disorganized.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 8 Months Ago

This class was difficult for no reason. Cancellation of lectures and office hours, sometimes with zero warning. The lectures were simple enough, but no access to the slides afterwards for studying. Midterms with one question each, not reflective at all of the course material. Terrible teacher who takes an easy class and makes it frustrating.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 9 Months Ago

The most disorganized professor I've ever had. She always cancels office hours and slides are hard to follow even if attending lectures. Went to get a midterm during a time she designated for pick-up, and she never showed up to her office to return it. Canvas messages are cryptic and midterms are one question that don't cover relevant material.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 9 Months Ago

The worst professor I have ever had. Does not respond to emails. Does not tell you what will be on the exams. Exams were 1 question. Always canceled office hours because of "migraines". So unorganized. Did not receive a syllabus until week 3. Lectures were a joke. Only decent resource was the textbook. Cindy is the most frustrating person ever.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

She was extremely disorganized and due dates were never very clear. Her notes are hard to follow if you don't attend lecture. However, the class material was fairly easy and interesting.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

There is a quite a lot to do for the class such as multiple quizzes and homework each week but so easy to complete. Lectures and sections really help get the work done.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

This class was super easy. If you want to actually learn and get prepared for Econ 1, you have to put in way more effort than just getting an A. You can get an A without learning much.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Lecture was not mandatory. There was weekly hw that wasn't hard and the ta's used section to help us with the hw. There were about 13 small quizzes that weren't difficult. The class itself was very disorganized and the professor would forget to upload certain assignments. Wasn't terrible, but wasn't amazing.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

lectures and section not mandatory, this class was painfully easy, made me lose all motivation and did not learn anything about economics. don't bother buying the textbook, they offer a free version that works just fine if you decide to use it.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

I love Cindy Benelli! Her class is quite disorganized but her chaotic ways of grabbing attention are phenomenal. She should be a comedian!

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

You could go the entire quarter without attending a single lecture and still get an A in the class. Her notes aren't particularly easy to follow without her lecture, but the course material is pretty slow and easy to figure out. She's very disorganized and will often cancel class last minute. Final is just an essay project.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Her class really helped prepare me for Econ 1. She uploaded a few videos for us, even though the course was in person. She uses a few graphs to demonstrate how things work. She is really nice. She really breaks stuff down for you. She makes the course very simple and easy. I recommend taking her class.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Cindy was by far the worst professor I've had. She was incredibly disorganized and frequently cancelled the lecture day of or came completely unprepared. Assignments were often posted late or not at all. She had no respect for our time and treated students as if we were children. She frequently asked inappropriately personal questions to students.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

had online tests bc of the strike and bc she got hit by a car. quizzes and hw every week but NOT hard at all. got to choose our final which was a project that we had creative freedom on. she made econ understandable but was frazzled during class a lot. this class is only hard if you make it hard

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Cindy is not organized, but the class is easy.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

She made me distressed by her unorganization. Nice lady but avoid her as a professor at all costs. Most distressing professor award. No clear due dates. No accessible office hours. Terrifying organization. AVOID ALERT DONT DEAL WITH THIS!

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

I really enjoyed Cindy Benelli's lectures, you can tell she cares about her students and has a passion for econ. However, she tends to go on tangents and stories that aren't related to the course content. A majority of the quizzes are directly related to the textbook, so as long as you read it and teach yourself the material you will be fine.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

When asked a question in class, she does not directly answer it, but instead talks in circles. She always speaks in confusing metaphors and wastes time discussing her personal life. I have to rely on the textbook to learn anything economy related. I would not recommend this professor to anyone at UCSB.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 2 Years Ago

I took Econ 9 and didn't go to a single lecture but got an A. I relied on primarily the textbook and online videos. It's not a super difficult class and material is easy enough to understand and pass without much effort. As long as you do the homework and quizzes you'll be able to pass

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 2 Years Ago

Cindy will go on tangents (she has lots of chickens) that make me more confused than I was before the lecture. I had to rely on the txtbook. not too heavy a course, just a couple quizzes and homeworks each week. She is flexible with deadlines which I appreciate. Wont answer emails but will help in office hrs. Confusing format of Gauchospace page.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 2 Years Ago

Course balanced between lecture and textbook, with lectures establishing the first layer of understanding and textbook setting into stone a deep understanding. Uses graphs and live drawings to actively explain and indicate concepts + relationships. On the more disorganized side, but disorganization does not cripple lectures.

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ECON9 . Benelli C A 2 Years Ago

Very unorganized professor but also very understanding and nice. The material is made out to be way more challenging than it is because she lectures so poorly. However, I got an A after thinking I was going to get a B or C all quarter, I'm not sure how.

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