BMSE 262
Chris Hayes
23 reviews
Ruth Finkelstein
105 reviews

MCDB108C . Hayes C S 16 Years Ago

his tests are not really hard if you know the material. the only thing that makes this class hard is that there is a LOT of info, and it's impossible to know all of it, so it's hard to know what you will be tested on. you NEED to go to class! write things down, tests on stuff he says in lec.

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 16 Years Ago

I thought she was ok. The final is straightforward, if you keep up in the info and take CLAS you will do fine. I almost got an A, and everyone made it out to be impossible. Don't be scared of her, just keep up and you will do fine!

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 16 Years Ago

very confusing and tedious class. i definitey put in many hrs before the final but got an A

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 17 Years Ago

she's sooooo boring! monotone voice, stands still behind the podium the whole time, and every once in awhile says, "does anyone have a question? well i have a question for you." her tests are EXTREMELY hard. have fun learning about plants.

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 17 Years Ago

Lectures are helpful if you can stay awake during them. Her tests are a bit ridiculous with the way she words the questions and it really seems as if she doesn't want her students to do well. The class is definetly passable though and plant bio only lasts for 5 weeks

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 18 Years Ago

WORST PROFESSOR I'VE HAD. End of story. Class couldn't be more boring, reflected by the fact that about 10% of the people actually understand wtf is going on. She is monotonous, says the same thing over and over, and tests you on your ability to memorize worthless details. STAY AWAY FROM THE FINK!!!

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MCDB118 . Finkelstein R 18 Years Ago

I went to her office hours frequently and she is very helpful and approachable! This class was not easy but if you actually go to lecture and study you will find the tests are fine. She is such a nice sweet lady and does not deserve most of these comments. I think she's a great teacher.

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MCDB118 . Finkelstein R 18 Years Ago

She's a nice teacher. Lectures might be a bit all over the place. But the tests are straight forward. I have to disagree w/ these other ppl's comments about her, because she's a nice person and very approachable and helpful. If you think her class is hard, it's probably your fault. Because I worked hard and I got a really good grade. No complaints.

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MCDB108 . Hayes C S 18 Years Ago

Really helpful to premed students, was an ex-medschool student and will give lots of advice. Approachable. Not an easy class but a good class where you can apply what you learn to the mcats.

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MCDB108 . Hayes C S 18 Years Ago

s'06 was his first time teaching 108c. he started off timid, but by the end was cracking jokes and making snide comments left and right. made for an entertaining class. he holds review sessions himself, those were fun. His m/c are tricky, tests are tricky. but he's fair in that he only tests what he teaches in class. so take good notes.

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MCDB108 . Hayes C S 18 Years Ago

Class started slow, then picked up towards end of quarter. His first time teaching 108c so we needed to cut him some slack. Really emphasized knowing drugs and medical ailments for those interested in medical professions. Midterm/final reviews always good and entertaining thanks to 'Those guys' for their contributions. Recommended!!

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 18 Years Ago

She needs to retire. Worst teacher at UCSB. Tests are impossible even if you are an expert at the material. Tries to confuse the hell out of you on every question. Completely unapproachable and very moody all the time. Only way to get an A is to get lucky no joke.

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 18 Years Ago

worst teacher i've ever had in my life. not only is she boring and a bad teacher all together, but she is unapproachable and rude to students. i hate her.

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MDDB1B . Finkelstein R 18 Years Ago

She is an EXTREMELY boring professor who seems to have no apparent interest for teaching at all. She just stands in the same spot all lecture and talks in this monotonous voice about very boring material. Her tests are extremely hard and the practice quizzes don't help b/c they don't reflect the difficulty of the tests. Makes your GPA go way down.

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MCDB101A . Finkelstein R 19 Years Ago

OMG! SHE MADE MY LIFE SOOOOO MISERABLE THAT QUARTER. Her tests are the worst tests you could imagine to take EVER. Basically : "It's A but not B, It's A, B and C, it's not B but it could be A or D, or it's none of the above except E" She just wants to screw you over with her Plant hormone questions. AVOID!!!!!

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MCDB118 . Finkelstein R 19 Years Ago

she teaches WAY TOO FAST!!! she thrOws SOO MUCH maTeriaL aT yOu in one LeCTure. tip: if ur LosT, RAiSE UR HAND and maKe her repeaT iT if iTs nOT cLear! oTherwise, yOuLL be SOO LOST... cause she'LL keep on gOing and throWing mOre maTeriaL aT yOu!

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 19 Years Ago

Horrible lectures. Tests are extremely hard!! Material not intresting and she makes the test questions tricky, like none of the above, or ab, or ac and that kind of thing. Avoid at all costs!

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 19 Years Ago

God she was terrible.

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 19 Years Ago

ruth-less. very hard final but there's a curve, so don't cry

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 19 Years Ago

she's the worst teacher that i've had so far...doesn't explain anything clearly, shows no interest in trying to help you, and writes the most difficult tests imaginable. she killed any interest that i had in that class

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 20 Years Ago

SOOO BORING! avoid at all costs. Material sucks and she sucks MORE at teaching it. NO SENSE OF HUMOR - will never crack a joke and is so monotone! made me hate Bio and i got As in all the bios before. HORRIBLE!

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 20 Years Ago

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 20 Years Ago

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MCSB1B . Finkelstein R 20 Years Ago

it seems that she is testing you not on the material but on how well you take tests!

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