Chris Hayes

22 reviews
Lecture heavy Graded by few things Skip class? You won't pass. Test heavy Tough grader Tests are tough Hilarious
Past quarters
IQB 262
26 / 45 Enrolled
Research Progress in Biomolecular Science and Engineering
Chris Hayes 3.1
12:00 PM - 12:50 PM
MCDB 262
53 / 78 Enrolled
Research Progress in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Chris Hayes 3.1
12:00 PM - 12:50 PM
See All
MCDB 194BG Hayes C S Spring 2024 Total: 11
MCDB 132L Hayes C S Winter 2024 Total: 34
MCDB 131 Hayes C S Fall 2023 Total: 168
MCDB 131L Hayes C S Fall 2023 Total: 85
See All
MCDB131 . Hayes C S 11 Months Ago

Lectures are not recorded and final grade is based off 2 midterms (20% each) and final exam (60%). Or one midterm can be dropped and the final can count for 70% of your final grade. The first exam was easy, but the second two had low averages. I would avoid this class and prof. if possible.

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MCDB131 . Hayes C S 1 Year, 4 Days Ago

At the beginning of this class he told us a story about how a kid hucked a loogie on the sidewalk, how nasty that was, and how he told the kid off. After taking this class...I wanna huck a loogie right next to his feet. Material is really really dry, very condescending, fact dumps, and is just really boring.131L is cool and helps the lecture.

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MCDB131L . Hayes C S 1 Year, 12 Days Ago

Hayes is straightforward about what info he is going to test on. Grade is 20% m1, 20% m2 and 60% final. He lets you drop 1 midterm if it benefits your grade. For 131L- switch to a new TA if you have Kaitlin S. She was outwardly rude to students and made the class environment very uncomfortable. Worst TA i have had at UCSB

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MCDB131 . Hayes C S 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

Hayes is incredibly condescending during lecture, and writes exams by whim that include information from one slide that is entirely irrelevant to the rest of the course. It is really easy to do sufficiently well in this class, but incredibly difficult to take away any useful information or actually learn anything. Would not take again.

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MCDB131L . Hayes C S 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

This was so far the easiest MCDB lab I have taken. The exams were all online. Also the experiments were very low stakes, not like O Chem labs where if you really messed up you would miss a bunch of points.

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MCDB131 . Hayes C S 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

All in all I thought this was a great class. Professor Hayes was very clear with how we would be graded and what material was important for us to remember for exams. Both the midterm and the final were multiple choice. Some questions were definitely trickier than others, but once you get used to his question style, the questions aren't too bad.

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MCDB131 . Hayes C S 2 Years Ago

Chris is the worst lecturer and test writer I've had in my 4 years at this institution. We didn't cover the intended material, so weekly quizzes covered stuff outside the scope of the course. He is condescending and regularly insults his students. His Fall 2022 final had a basic trigonometry question simply to mess up student. 2/10, do not take.

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MCDB131 . Hayes C S 3 Years Ago

Hayes is an odd bird. He's extremely intelligent, the guy is literally an encyclopedia, so sometimes its hard to distinguish between material we actually need to know for the class or if he is just flexing his knowledge on us. Tests are nearly impossible, many questions asked way beyond the scope of the course and also directly contradicts himself.

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MCDB131 . Hayes C S 3 Years Ago

This class sucked. The lectures were extremely painful to watch. 10% section attendance, 30% MT, and 60% final. The content of the exams were fair, but there was a massive time crunch on the MT. Didn't even get to finish the exam. Professor seemed really uninterested in teaching. My TA was really snobby too.

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MCDB131 . Hayes C S 3 Years Ago

I'm not sure if it's microbio, but the way he taught it was super dry and bland. Take notes on what he says in class because the slides are mostly pictures. The tests have both on-the-surface questions and doable application questions. There was not a lot of time for the midterm. You can use notes for his online class.

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MCDB131 . Hayes C S 4 Years Ago

The midterm is 40% of the overall grade, and the final exam is 60% of the overall grade. He mostly tests from his slides and from his lectures, so make sure to listen to what he talks about during lecture, just in case the information may not be in the slides. Overall, the class is a solid mix of memorization and concept application.

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MCDB131 . Hayes C S 5 Years Ago

I love his lectures! He is hilarious and loves when students are engaged and ask questions. There was only one midterm and one final, both are a mix of MC and open ended questions. If you go to class and listen you have nothing to worry about. He is an amazing professor and really well respected in the micro community.

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