Ruth Finkelstein

102 reviews
Tough grader Test heavy Lecture heavy Graded by few things Get ready to read Skip class? You won't pass. EXTRA CREDIT Participation matters Accessible outside class Would take again Caring Respected
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BMSE 262
8 / 37 Enrolled
Research Progress in Biomolecular Science and Engineering
Ruth Finkelstein 2.1
12:00 PM - 12:50 PM
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MCDB 262 Finkelstein R Fall 2023 Total: 0
BMSE 262 Finkelstein R Fall 2023 Total: 0
MCDB 1LL Finkelstein R Summer 2023 Total: 121
MCDB 262 Finkelstein R Spring 2023 Total: 0
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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 3 Months Ago

Genuinely the worst teacher I have ever had in my 20 years of existence. Boring, monotonous, poorly taught lectures followed up by the most unreasonably difficult and unnecessarily detailed tests of my life. Bio majors, I implore you to not make the same mistake I did and take little bio instead. AVOID HER AT ALL COSTS.

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 3 Months Ago

Her tests are so detailed. Be prepared to know every single detail about every single topic. I reviewed the slides at least 8 times and reviewed for hours, just to get completely thrown for a loop on the test. You need to know and remember everything, search for the smallest error in the answers.

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 3 Months Ago

Do not take a class with Professor Finkelstein. Not only is she a very monotone teacher, but she is also very bad at teaching. She will make the exams very detailed yet barely explain anything during her lectures. She should retire soon or look at her ratings and fix the way she runs this class.

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 3 Months Ago

Awful professor. Please retire

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 3 Months Ago

I absolutely despise Ruth. Her exams are insanely difficult. She will mention something once and put it on the exam. It doesn't matter if you learn the material, they care about you memorizing all the slides (impossible). The exams are purposely made to trick you, so you must know every detail. I'll be lucky if I pass, and I studied like crazy.

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 3 Months Ago

Finkelstein ruined this class for me. Her lectures are unbelievably monotone and she often explains topics using scientific vocabulary never previously introduced. To top it off, she'll casually introduce key terms/topics without any indication of their importance and her tests will focus on specific details of these underexplored topics.

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 3 Months Ago

She isn't terrible to learn from if you have a basis in what shes teaching. However, because you do need to actively seek outside class resources to understand whats going on (the book is meh) this makes her an awful professor. Only reason I'm doing decent is because I have heavily relied on Khan Academy and then watched the lectures.

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 3 Months Ago

RUTHlessly hard exams, monotone asf, do not take

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 3 Months Ago

Extremely monotone lecturer. Teaches things giving no background which makes it sooo hard to understand. The worst professor I have ever had.

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 4 Months Ago

The most inadequate professor I have ever had. She briefly introduces topics without any consideration that most students have never seen this information. I hope she reads her reviews because something needs to change with her teaching. It is disappointing to see such an interesting class ruined by such an awful lecturer who zero teaching skills.

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

I actually felt her lecture style was decent. She was definitely pretty organized. However, the test was just gnarly man. MCDB 1B is THE weeder class for your entire UCSB undergraduate biology education. Expect to have to work for it because if you do, you will definitely come with your head above water.

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MCDB1B . Finkelstein R 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Memorize every little detail on her slides and you might get a C on the exam. Hardest class I've taken at UCSB. In all honesty, I think that this class says more about the intro bio department, which is the least empathetic and caring department I have ever met. I liked biology before taking this class. I don't anymore.

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