BMSE 224
Zvonimir Dogic
49 reviews
Deborah Fygenson
67 reviews
Brandon Greene
13 reviews

PHYS2 . Fygenson D K 14 Years Ago

Horrible teacher, I didn't like physics to start with and now I hate it even more. Her lectures are pointless, doesn't explain very well, you kinda have to teach yourself. She can't even do the demos right.

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PHYS2 . Fygenson D K 14 Years Ago

She is the absolute worst professor i have ever had to deal with. Not only do i feel awkward during her lectures when she messes up the demos, but often when she is trying to show a proof she makes many mistakes. DO NOT TAKE HER CLASS.

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PHYSPHYS . Fygenson D K 14 Years Ago


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PHYS150 . Fygenson D K 15 Years Ago

While it is one thing to understand and keep along in her lectures, it is quite another to do well on the class hw. The TA is an extremely harsh grader and does not like to give out points unless the answers match her train of thought. I'm just glad that I'm not a physics major and I'm taking the class P/NP. Otherwise, I would not take the class.

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PHYS6A . Fygenson D K 18 Years Ago

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PHYS6B . Fygenson D K 18 Years Ago

She was the worst ever. Not only was she the most disorganized professor I have ever had but she was completely useless in office hours.

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PHYS6A . Fygenson D K 18 Years Ago

I used to like Physics. I stopped going to lectures because she is impossible to understand. But, you can literally fail every test and get a B+ in the class by doing the homework. Super easy.

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6A . Fygenson D K 18 Years Ago

the worst teacher ever. i think i went to 2 lectures. i think i did better BECAUSE i didn't go to lecture. her tests are impossible and have nothing to do with the impossible hw. i managed a B though...don't even know how that happened.

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PHYSICS6A . Fygenson D K 18 Years Ago

the most disorganized professor that i've had at ucsb

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PHYS6A . Fygenson D K 18 Years Ago

Fygenson was absolutely the WORST professor. Her lectures were so far behind the work that we were expected to complete and the homework was never anything like the tests. THE MOST MONOTONOUS, BORING LECTURES IN THE UNIVERSE!! If you have no choice but to take her class, don't wear bright colors, sweatshirts, or hats. Bring tissue, you'll be cryin

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PHYS6A . Fygenson D K 18 Years Ago

lots of tough homework that doesn't really prepare you for the tests. Most of her test material comes from lecture-- conceptual stuff. Be sure to wear neutral colors to lecture (avoid hats too!) she'll call on you for sure

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PHYS6A . Fygenson D K 18 Years Ago

She is a sheisty ****. By far the worst tecaher I have had at UCSB. She doesnt explain jack, has a bad book, assignes impossible homework, which is, by the way, 3 chapters ahead of lecature. Fygenson, if you read this, retire now. Work in McDonalds. hey need some more idiots to flip burgers.

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PHYSICS6C . Fygenson D K 19 Years Ago

Took it in summer school. May be the worst teacher I have ever had, and I've had some horrible ones. Maybe she's gotten better since I took it, but she was boring, annoying, and had impossible tests, my genius friends could barely get A's.

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PHYS1 . Fygenson D K 19 Years Ago

homework is hard because the book is horrible, spend the extra money for a modern book it is well worth it, fygenson is very enthusiastic and helpful if you go visit her during office hours

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PHYS1 . Fygenson D K 19 Years Ago

i think she is an awesome professor. she really cares about her students and is ALWAYS willing to help. homework is tough, but CLAS definitely helps out. go to office hours if you have questions.

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PHYSICS1 . Fygenson D K 19 Years Ago

I agree with the class being difficult but as an engineering major its not one of the hardest. The people who complain in her class tend to be othe ones that dont do the readings or do not spend time trying to comprehend lectures. Prof fygenson is a good lecturer and although its tons of homework, it is the only way to really learn the material.

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PHYSICSCIRCUS . Fygenson D K 19 Years Ago

Physics circus is a seminar where students go out to elementary schools and perform physics demos for the kiddies. Prof Fygenson is very sweet, and can explain physics even to little kids, so I'm sure can do it for you too...Though maybe not, I've never been in her lecture. What I can tell you is that Physics Circus is good fun.

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PHYS . Fygenson D K 19 Years Ago

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PHYS1 . Fygenson D K 19 Years Ago

Class hard. The homework is ridiculous, expect to spend at LEAST 8-10 hours per set. (usually more) Though its not her fault - they are departmental questions so there is no getting around them. Tests are pretty hard, but she can be helpful if the class insists that she go over questions in lect

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PHYS1 . Fygenson D K 19 Years Ago

Make no mistake - there is A LOT of homework. However, thats really the only way to stay on top of the material. Also, she's very enthusiastic, and is always willing to help any student out, regardless of whether it encroaches on her time, or that student clearly doesnt pay attention in class.

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PHYS1 . Fygenson D K 19 Years Ago

What an annoying teacher... her demonstrations dont work, she can't teach, the book she chose sucks (don't even bother buying it, get a diff one), she teaches from notes and finally, there's lots of homework.

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PHYS6A . Fygenson D K 20 Years Ago

HORRIBLE! She seems nice, but don't let this fool you; her tests are rediculous and who knows where she gets the material for them from, cuz it's not from lectures! Does the fact that the class average is a 60 say ANYTHING to her?

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PHYS6A . Fygenson D K 20 Years Ago

I could not keep up with this lady's demands. The material was not too difficult but she somehow seemed to make it that way and we are not physics majors. She is up for tenure in the fall and I hope she doesn't get it: she should not be teaching at UCSB

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PHYS . Fygenson D K 20 Years Ago

Honestly her rather high expectations do not work at a substandard school like UCSB. The students are here to have a good time, not to receive rigorous education, so she should only give students just enough workload necessary for getting mediocre degrees

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