Brandon Greene

13 reviews
Get ready to read Tough grader Skip class? You won't pass. Participation matters Lecture heavy Test heavy Gives good feedback Lots of homework Beware of pop quizzes
Past quarters
PHIL 143
5 / 25 Enrolled
Philosophy of Law
Brandon Greene 2.2
17:00 PM - 18:15 PM
31.3% A
0 / 5 Enrolled
Philosophy of Law
Brandon Greene 2.2
17:00 PM - 18:15 PM
1 / 15 Enrolled
Theory of Value
Brandon Greene 2.2
12:00 PM - 14:50 PM
See All
CHEM 161 Greene B L Spring 2024 Total: 9
CHEM 142B Greene B L Winter 2024 Total: 52
BMSE 224 Greene B L Fall 2023 Total: 9
INT 94WN Greene B L Winter 2023 Total: 17
See All
CHEM142B . Greene B L 10 Months Ago

Lectures and reading intensive, he does his best to simplify concepts to an extent. He does tend to talk extremely fast but is nice about repeating himself. You need to make sure you're at lectures to get participation points. DO THE READING.

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CHEM142B . Greene B L 10 Months Ago

His class essentially doesn't help at all, but you should expect to recite the textbook. Tough exams but not unmanageable. Many exhausting participation points, which I think is very bad design.

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CHEM142 . Greene B L 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

I dont know why my mans gets so much slander, taught 142B and 110L. Makes you dig deep into the material and will have challenging test questions, but has generous curve. Overall a nice guy who makes you work with peers.

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CHEM142 . Greene B L 3 Years Ago

The exam is super difficult. He tried to improve the level of the class by letting students learn by themselves or drop the class. Not even as caring about students as other biochemistry professors, but you have to take this class anyway if you want to get a degree at UCSB, while he will be your worst enemy to let you get that. DONT TRY THIS CLASS!

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CHEM142A . Greene B L 4 Years Ago

Dont know what all the hate is for. Everything is straight out of the book and yeah its challenging buts its a challenging subject. Curves are nice

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CHEM142A . Greene B L 4 Years Ago

"The average is a lot lower than I expected, but I'm waiting for the students that lowered the average to drop the class to bring it back to what the average should be. So I'm not going to curve the midterm." -Brandon Greene 3 live lectures, and video lectures, and read the textbook for quizzes before each lecture, still not enough for the test.

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CHEM142A . Greene B L 4 Years Ago

During COVID: Live Lectures were mandatory but not useful towards learning. tests during class on topics that you learned on your own the night or 2 before, had quizzes before every lecture. Had offline lectures. Overall, he didn't explain much, left you on your own, and would be disappointed when the class fails as he seemed to hate curving .

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142A . Greene B L 4 Years Ago

If you can do not take 142 series in UCSB.

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142A . Greene B L 4 Years Ago

142A is a tough class in UCSB, he definitely put lots of effort into this class. However, most students still learn everything on themselves by reading the textbook. Dr. Greene is very stubborn, once he decides something (grading and stuff),others' advice is useless. One good thing is that he's very available out of class.

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CHEM142A . Greene B L 4 Years Ago

He tried but it was his first time of teaching this class. Midterms and final were long and hard to finish with a short given amount of time. Textbook will be your best friend. But he was still the better option for biochem from chem department. If you are premed, please consider mcdb before taking it.

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CHEM142A . Greene B L 4 Years Ago

I definitely shouldnt drop reich and Kahns 142. Even lower avg than Kahn. Very little curve. Curve based on highest score but you should know every class has a few people who can do very well on any test. God bless u if ur section has smart brain. I ended up with learning nothing but understanding his weird wording to pass the test.

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CHEM142A . Greene B L 4 Years Ago

He can be another notorious professor. He puts EXTENSIVE work on students and doesn't make informative lectures either. You need to learn everything yourself and maybe learn a little things from his poor lectures by doing some quizzes that assume you already know the materials. Stubborn, not listening to students' advice. Avoid him if you can

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