An overview of theory and research related to human emotion. Topics may include: approaches to understanding emotions, functions of emotions, regulation of emotion, group and cultural differences in emotion, and emotions' consequences for social life.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeClass started off rocky but he really took our feedback to heart and adjusted things to be easier/more accessible. Was not expecting to read that many research articles but was easy once you get the hang of it. Quizzes got a lot easier in the 2nd half of the class but they're only 50% of the grade + lowest one dropped. Definitely a very caring prof
Professor Yu is so kind and knowledgeable and truly wants his students to learn. His lectures (recorded option) were very interesting and he picked engaging studies and research papers to read. If you do the readings before or after class even briefly it's super helpful for the quizzes which are a main part of your grade. No final or midterm.
Very neuroscience based. The wording of quizzes can be confusing sometimes. Do not recommend...
Professor Yu is very knowledgeable and caring, honestly a great guy. However I found the structure of this class to be difficult. All readings, lecture content, quizzes and homework are focused solely on research articles. This would have been fine but there was not enough foundation laid for the concepts before diving into the deep end of research
Pay attention to the first authors of the assigned material. I have only just taken the first midterm and was only lucky to have remembered grazing over it. I'd recommend having a research article notetaking strategy for this kind of class.
Good class, I like it. The professor tried to make everyone happy. Although the material is a little bit hard and his communication skills can be improved a little bit, but overall, it is a wonderful class, and he is very knowledgeable.