Introduction to genetics. Mendel's laws, structure, replication and expression of DNA, linkage and chromosomal aberrations, mutation and recombination, concepts of genetic variability, quantitative and populationgenetics.
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeProfessor pulls all material straight from the textbook. What I thought was going to be a very interesting class turned out to me not wanting to go to lecture. Wouldn't recommend.
She doesn't care about her students. At all. She scheduled office hours during a TA's discussion section and when asked would not schedule secondary office hours. Don't try talking to her after class or she will blow you off and probably won't even remember your name! Her lectures are decent but I don't think she likes students.
slides are not organized and are all over the place. Lectures are boring, even though the subject is interesting. Just read the textbook, honestly. Halfway through the quarter, I just stopped going because the lecture wasn't helping me learn. Read the textbook or just take another ecology at the same time, and you'll do fine for exams.
She is very very kind and takes feedback seriously. The content itself I found very intuitive and easy- and a lot of review from lower division eemb courses. The midterms were more than fair, and the final was not cumulative. She also gives lots of hints during lecture about what exactly is going to be on the test. Study, and you'll def get an A
I highly recommend this class for anyone needing upper division bio credits. The class is really manageable and the workload is not bad at all. The tests are very straightforward and all the info needed is on the slides. Go to lecture because she always drops hints about exactly what she will test on and its been consistent every time. Love her
This class can be a bit boring and there is a decent amount of material. She is an alright lecturer and can be a tad annoying at times. The class is graded based off three non-cumulative exams which are decently easy if you study, online quizzes, and homework. Make sure to pay attention in lecture and reading is helpful for a better understanding.