Explores complex, dynamic, and often contested relationships between humans and wild animals, mainly in North America but with examples from varied cultural and ecological contexts around the world. Includes diverse perspectives from history, ecology, geography, law, politics, management, and other fields.
PasstimeUpper division only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeI've had professor Alagona twice now and seriously, I don't say this about every professor, this is the only one I'm saying it for, but he is my favorite professor at UCSB. Such a cool guy, he genuinely cares about his students, and has some really cool stories. His lectures also aren't boring, he makes class interesting and there's no BS homework!
Prof Peter made this class extremely enjoyable. He's very passionate about keeping his content current and values collaboration between students. This was my first ENVS class at UCSB and it made me want to take more. The assigned materials were interesting and sections were fun. Overall a very personable prof and a very interesting topic to study!
This class was odd and pretentious. At times Alagona goes into strange tangent lectures that have nothing to do with the subject matter. My friends & I laughed at the final project where we had to make Isla Vista look like a wildlife refuge for a tour video. I appreciate the attempt to captivate nature but it seemed hit and miss and a bit scattered
This class seems pasted together by some uptight granola theories that are dilusional at best. We spent the semester grandstanding nature ethics while asked to observe raccoons and dirty beach birds digging threw isla vista trash to compare with the great spotted owl who is facing extinction. Even the science dept is not sure where it goes. Boooo!
More professors should strive to be like Dr. Alagona. He is so passionate about the subject, ridiculously organized, so impartial (which is hard, considering how political the subject matter is) and is very helpful during office hours (but he hates email). He provides a great learning environment. Definitely would take again
He's a great professor. Good, clear lectures. PPTs avail. on GS. Prepare your readings before lecture. 3 essay assigns, 2 quiz, & a final. He gives two-sentence pop quizzes each week to see if you did the reading. He's really into his subject, which I'm not, but he has me really engaged. I'd def take him again. Don't let the work deter you!