Introduction to renewable energy generation and energy storage technologies, their economics, their associated environmental and social issues, and policies and regulations important to the adoption and use of renewable energy systems. Course includes field trips and guest lecturers.

Prerequisites: Upper-division standing; Mathematics 2B, or 3B, or 34B, or Mathematics 34A and Environmental Studies 25.







Upper division only

Level Limit

Letters and science

These majors only envst
Ranjit Deshmukh
16 reviews
15:00 PM - 15:50 PM
24 / 24 Full

ILP 3316
16:00 PM - 16:50 PM
24 / 24 Full

HSSB 4201
17:00 PM - 17:50 PM
24 / 24 Full

ILP 3107
09:00 AM - 09:50 AM
11 / 24

ILP 3207
10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
12 / 24

ILP 3209
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
14 / 24

Spring 2024 . Terren Serran
17:00 PM - 18:15 PM
See All
ENV S 105 Deshmukh R A Spring 2023 Total: 110
ENV S 105 Deshmukh R A Spring 2022 Total: 81
See All
ES105 . Deshmukh R A 3 Years Ago

You can tell he really loves what he teaches and it makes his lectures very interesting. Don't underestimate the tests though, they have some math involved that is tougher than most ES classes.

0 helpful 0 unhelpful
ENVS115 . Deshmukh R A 11 Months Ago

Prof Deshmukh is very knowledgeable and passionate about the material. Lectures are quite interesting even if you are not super into the material. A couple of assignments, a midterm, a final, and weekly quizzes. You get a cheat sheet for the exams. A bit of math but nothing too complicated, I found the material to be quite straightforward.

0 helpful 0 unhelpful
ENVS115 . Deshmukh R A 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

This class was very well structured; the expectations were clearly communicated, assignments were challenging but doable, and we were allowed to write cheat sheets for the tests. The content was dense, but Prof Deshmukh explained it well and answered questions clearly. He is very knowledgeable and passionate about his field.

0 helpful 0 unhelpful
ENVS115 . Deshmukh R A 2 Years Ago

Professor Deshmukh is the best professor I have had at UCSB so far. He is very good at answering questions in lecture. I did not find the math in this class very hard and I am a BA. Homework is very manageable and there is only about 2 bigger assignments the whole quarter and they do not take up that much time. Also there are cheat sheets on tests.

0 helpful 0 unhelpful
ENVS115 . Deshmukh R A 2 Years Ago

Ranjit has been my favorite professor so far at UCSB. His lectures are very interesting and he is extremely passionate and well-spoken about the topics. I took him for 115 and enjoyed the class so much I am taking him again for 105.

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ENVS115 . Deshmukh R A 3 Years Ago

I loved this class and ENVS 105 with Ranjit! All the topics he covered felt really applicable to the world and potential jobs, and he covers them clearly. Lots of assignments, but not too difficult so easy to maintain a good grade without stressing about exams.

0 helpful 0 unhelpful
See all 16 reviews
ENV S 95
12 / 12 Full
Introduction to Ecological Restoration Field Skills
Stratton E C
13:00 PM - 15:50 PM
94.3% A
ENV S 96
7 / 7 Full
Introduction to Curation of Natural History Collections
Seltmann K
09:00 AM - 11:50 AM
91.8% A
ENV S 99
0 / 0 Full
Introduction to Research
100.0% A
ENV S 103A
20 / 20 Full
Flora and Vegetation of California
Wahlert G A
15:00 PM - 17:50 PM
59.1% A
ENV S 103
25 / 25 Full
Nature Spirituality
Tom Sideris 3.0
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
36.4% A
ENV S 108W
72 / 72 Full
People and Wildlife
Peter Alagona 4.6
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
73.2% A