Explores connections over the last century between global cultural developments and the quest for normative values on a global level. Topics include the communications revolution, cultural ideologies, international migrations and diasporas, the human rights movement, and new cosmopolitanisms.
PasstimeUpper division only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeSomehow the easiest class I've ever had, but the only global class I've ever gotten a B in. Doesn't give interesting or retainable information, lectures (if they even happen) are just jargon. Graded on a couple written assignment with easy guidelines but they are graded based on things we weren't aware of. She is nice at least, but don't take.
Very disorganized, often wouldn't show up or just put on a documentary instead of lecturing. She put the majority of responsibility on the poor TA's.
In the last lecture I watched, she said um/uh 62 times in 5 minutes. As someone with a learning disability, it is super distracting and very difficult to understand what she is trying to say. Also, it is only when she is lecturing which is probably why everyone calls her disorganized.
Lots of reading, but readings and lectures overlap which helps a lot. Weekly quizzes, but they're easy and help with reviewing for the midterm and final. She lets you argue for your quiz answers if you got something wrong, and if you convince her she'll give you points. No papers, written midterm/final which weren't hard. Easy overall
Professor Lezra always seemed SO disorganized and unprepared for lecture. She would tell interesting stories based on the materials from the reading but she often trailed off ("um, okay, moving on") and wouldn't get her point across. She would sometimes snap at students for no reason. Would not recommend if you have a choice. Easy A, though.
Really easy class, not sure why people think she's hard. Showed up every lecture for iclicker attendance credit, never stayed for a full lecture, and got an A+ on the midterm. She's a little disorganized, but she was way more helpful than my TA. She's really nice and approachable too. Simple weekly quizzes, lots of movies, posts lectures on gaucho.