The course examines how energy choices are made and investigates our views of nature, society and markets. Students will read both historical and contemporary accounts of energy politics to understand linkages between the global and the local. Students will learn to think critically and creatively about energy.
PasstimeUpper division only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeWasn't too difficult but the lectures were all over the place and didn't have a lot of good information.
Took during TA strike quarter. Prof was super accommodating! Originally supposed to be graded on short writing assignments (3), section, midterm, final, + final paper. Had everything but the final paper. Lecture + rubrics were clear. Prof asks that you know a lot before exams and expects you to do outside research/self-tutelage (not readings).
professor is very intelligent and knowledgeable in the subject however she is not a good teacher at all. The lectures are all over the place and its not easy taking notes when you don't even know whats going on. the homework and readings are very heavy but you need it to pass the exams. don't take this class if you want an easy GE class.
Definitely ucsb's unprofessional professor, bc her class without any order. Thinking get an A s possible? telling you it's harder than a battlejust like driving manual. When there is a worst professor election, she is the one without a question.
DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS. I took this class as a GE and it was extremely hard. The lectures jump around too much and you are expected to also know global news on your own time as well as naming each country on a map. Assignments were not too bad but the exams were very difficult. Would not recommend taking at all.
Literally the WOAT. Readings feel actually endless. Lectures are so all over the place. It feels like she is just passionately spewing out random bits of irrelevant information that she has gathered 5 minutes before class. Not a fan. Do your self a favor and do not take a class with her.