A writing course focusing on developing analytical skills, synthesizing multiple sources, sustaining coherent arguments, and revising for clarity of style. Reading and writing assignments are drawn from a range of academic disciplines.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeI got an A- in this class and it didn't kill me to get that grade. Dr. Hammer is a great professor who was clear and helpful. I also liked the class discussions and meeting with her in private meetings was cool. She makes the class interesting and fun.
Wonderful professor. Though the class was 2 hrs, she has a lot to say and gives you breaks and it doesn't feel that long. We had 3 papers and you peer review but she's always available to discuss. You have a 15 min conference with her after your 2nd paper. She really cares about her students & their work! Class helped me get comfortable w/research.
She is an amazing teacher who is interested in the best of her students. She is very helpful. I wish i had her for more classes!
Take her class! She makes the class interesting! The papers are not that hard and they're on interesting topics! I really enjoyed her class! I ended up with an A-
BEST professor at UCSB. She was very clear and helpful, her essays were a bit tough at times but i was able to get help with the CLAS tutor we got for her class. She actually takes the time to know her students, definitely recommend her to everyone!
loved her! so cute and energetic!! take her class- go to the actual classes and do the minimum work required and you'll get an easy A:)