A writing course focusing on developing analytical skills, synthesizing multiple sources, sustaining coherent arguments, and revising for clarity of style. Reading and writing assignments are drawn from a range of academic disciplines.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeUses contract grading, so if you complete every assignment (regardless of the quality of the work), you'll have a B in the class. After that, the final in the class is a paper convincing him to give you an A. Would definitely recommend this as an easy GE.
He is a nice guy. All the instructions for activities were only given in class, so attendance is mandatory. The in-class activities were fun and required communication with classmates, so be ready to speak. Fair grading. He did give a lot of instruction for writing assignments this quarter. I think everyone got good results.
Nice professor, you should attend class for graded in-class activities but it always went by kinda fast and I never minded going. I got good grades on my papers and he gives thorough feedback. Little homework, just a short reading once a week and project builders for essays.
Very friendly instructor. No heavy homework to do. Most of the writing activities were finished in class.
Tym is an amazing writing professor. His grading was fair (idk what others are saying??). You can't slack in his class. But we all got a fair shot. You gotta put in the work to see the results... The class was quite interactive and he was always there to answer your questions.I feel like I've become a better writer thanks to his class! 10/10
Unfair grading. Unreasonable amount of extra work.