Leslie Hammer

38 reviews
Gives good feedback Lots of homework Caring Participation matters Skip class? You won't pass. Clear grading criteria Inspirational Would take again So many papers Respected Accessible outside class
Past quarters
0 / 18 Closed
Academic Writing
Leslie Hammer 4.4
14:00 PM - 15:50 PM
59.2% A
25 / 25 Full
Writing for Cultural Rhetorics
Leslie Hammer 4.4
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
60.8% A
24 / 24 Full
Writing for Cultural Rhetorics
Leslie Hammer 4.4
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
60.8% A
See All
WRIT 1 Hammer L M Spring 2024 Total: 6
WRIT 105CR Hammer L M Spring 2024 Total: 10
WRIT 2 Hammer L M Winter 2024 Total: 33
WRIT 109HU Hammer L M Winter 2024 Total: 17
See All
WR109HU . Hammer L M 1 Year, 4 Days Ago

You won't be bored. She makes class interesting and cares about her students. Fair grader.

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WRIT105CR . Hammer L M 2 Years Ago

Interesting class and great prof who cares about students!

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109CR . Hammer L M 2 Years Ago

Great prof who cares about her students! She takes the time to get to know you.

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WR109HU . Hammer L M 4 Years Ago

She barely teaches and you won't learn anything. Every lecture is a waste of time, she gives bad guidance on essays and doesn't give good feedback. Just do all the work and choose the easiest essay topics possible. This class is easy enough if you do the work. Avoid if possible.

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WR1ACE . Hammer L M 5 Years Ago

Loved her and her class! Prof Hammer is great and I learned a lot about college writing from her. 10/10!!

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WRIT1 . Hammer L M 6 Years Ago

Overall class grade depended on short writing assignments/quizzes, three essays, and participation. Professor Hammer made her expectations and grading criteria very clear for all assignments. I HIGHLY recommend that you take writing 1 with her.

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WRIT2 . Hammer L M 6 Years Ago

I got an A- in this class and it didn't kill me to get that grade. Dr. Hammer is a great professor who was clear and helpful. I also liked the class discussions and meeting with her in private meetings was cool. She makes the class interesting and fun.

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109SS . Hammer L M 7 Years Ago

Hammer's class is a bit tough in terms of the big research paper that is due at the end of class, BUT she helps you every step of the way and makes sure you're 100% prepared to write it. You have to put work into the paper but she is kind and caring and her class is very interesting and taught me a lot about the arts and social sciences.

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WRIT109SS . Hammer L M 7 Years Ago

She really cares about her teaching her students. Also made class consistently interesting by assign cool readings and analysis of writings by people like Bob Dylan and Allan Ginsberg. Definitely glad I had the chance to take this class. If you put the effort into the work and get it all done, you should be fine.

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WRIT109SS . Hammer L M 7 Years Ago

There is homework due every single class meeting, which is a real drag. Everything has to be typed too, even if the assignment is just 1 line long, so it felt like a huge waste of paper. She is very nice and approachable, just expects more of the students than most professors.

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WRIT1 . Hammer L M 8 Years Ago

Good Writing 1 Professor. Helped me become a better writer .

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WRIT2ACE . Hammer L M 8 Years Ago

Wonderful professor. Though the class was 2 hrs, she has a lot to say and gives you breaks and it doesn't feel that long. We had 3 papers and you peer review but she's always available to discuss. You have a 15 min conference with her after your 2nd paper. She really cares about her students & their work! Class helped me get comfortable w/research.

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