Analytic functions. Complex integration. Cauchy's theorem. Series and product developments. Entire functions. Conformal mappings. Topics in complex analysis.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeNo Comments
failed to set up my webwork account and ****ed me over for my handwritten assignments. Can't teach at all. One on one sessions are worthless. not good.
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The only reason I didn't rate it 'very hard' is because the practice exams are very simlar to the actual tests. However, she is an awful teacher with even worse grading making the class horrible. Wait for Garcia or ANYONE else!
DONT TAKE ANY CLASS WITH HER! Her graders are insainly nit picky about minature details. 80% of the class has never gotten over 50% on a HW. HW redos screw up the curve. Prof is polite but not a good prof by any means. Good text book. For what its worth.