Measure theory and integration. Point set topology. Principles of functional analysis. Lp-spaces. The Riesz representation theorem. Topics in real and functional analysis.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeGoes real slow, but at least he's teaching everyone in the class, not just the best and brightest. Very lenient grading options, so you can bomb a midterm and it won't even matter. Just do well on the final and it's a good A with this great prof
Do not take if interested in graduate school since you will not learn anything. The pace of the class is incredibly slow and unlike anything Ive ever experienced. Other sections of Math 118a are going at double or triple our rate. If you want a free A, go ahead and take this class. But if you are here to learn, avoid this professor.
There is no curve but his grading is pretty fair since we can replace midterm with final. Professor Zhou did a decent job in teaching and his office hours are helpful if you attend. His lecture is well organized. He would not upload lecture notes so you need to go to the class. Make sure you understand notes and homework to get an A
Professor Zhou explains the concepts well. All the homework problems are from the textbook and are generally ok to do them. His tests are really similar to the practice and it is generally easy to get a good grade. Also, you do not need to buy the textbook as he provides the electronic version to everyone. He is a good professor!