Gabriela Putinar

10 reviews
Past quarters
5 / 25 Enrolled
Complex Analysis
Gabriela Putinar 1.7
10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
92.4% A
MATH3B . 17 Years Ago

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MATH3C . 19 Years Ago

failed to set up my webwork account and ****ed me over for my handwritten assignments. Can't teach at all. One on one sessions are worthless. not good.

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MATH194 . 19 Years Ago

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MATH . 19 Years Ago

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MATH8 . 20 Years Ago

The only reason I didn't rate it 'very hard' is because the practice exams are very simlar to the actual tests. However, she is an awful teacher with even worse grading making the class horrible. Wait for Garcia or ANYONE else!

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MATH8 . 20 Years Ago

DONT TAKE ANY CLASS WITH HER! Her graders are insainly nit picky about minature details. 80% of the class has never gotten over 50% on a HW. HW redos screw up the curve. Prof is polite but not a good prof by any means. Good text book. For what its worth.

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MATH8 . 20 Years Ago

The teacher is difficult to understand and sometimes understanding but the grader makes the class impossible. I would rather have had no teacher and been forced to learn on my own.

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MATH8 . 20 Years Ago

nice lady. HORRIBLE teacher. you think you know what to do and do the 5 hours homework, which for the most part is impossible,and get an F on it for not puting a period at the end of a sentence. she is helpful if you talk to her in office hours. this class is ridiculous and she expects too much

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MATH3C . 20 Years Ago

Grades you off for stupid stuff. Doesn't teach well. The class itself is easy though.

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MATH3C . 20 Years Ago

The only reason this class isn't ridiculously hard is because of CLAS. Putinar is impossible to learn from. She has her math down, but her communication skills rival those of a small child. Avoid this professor at all costs.

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