Design and analysis of texts that integrate both writing and coding components, such as video games, data visualizations, web documents, and interactive narratives. No prior coding experience necessary.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeUpper division only
Level LimitLetters and science
Collegewords can't describe how much I love this guy
I loved 105m! The class was engaging and Prof Rutherford did a great job teaching. He's super understanding and approachable and gives great feedback on your work if you ask him for it, along with extensions, if you like creative writing and multimedia, I would def take this class.
He's just the best
He's nice. He does "contract grading" so it's mostly by completion/effort. You have to write an additional paper to argue for an A rather than B (assuming you did the completion part to get a B minimum).
Contract grading, super nice, genuinely wants to help you succeed as an engineer and in understanding writing