A study of the analysis, design, and implementation of accounting information systems. This includes auditing information processed by the IT environment and performing data analytics.

Prerequisites: Economics 3B; and Economics 10A; and Economics 5 or PSTAT 120A





1, 2, 3



Level Limit

Letters and science

These majors only busec econ ecmth ecacc
Scott Fulkerson
62 reviews
Winter 2024 . Fulkerson S D
NH 1110
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
Winter 2025 . Fulkerson S D
NH 1110
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
See All
ECON 185 Fulkerson S D Winter 2024 Total: 63
ECON 185 Owen G Spring 2011 Total: 45
See All
3B . Fulkerson S D 8 Months Ago

This class was so much work for a pre-major class. Get ready to spend several hours every single week reading the textbook + doing the WileyPlus hw problems, which are extremely challenging (TAs sometimes get them wrong too) + doesn't even reflect questions on his difficult exams. !! He also imposes a curve so that only 10% of students get an A !!!

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3B . Fulkerson S D 9 Months Ago

The course is hard content-wise: you have to CRITICALLY understand the concepts. HOWEVER, this class added A LOT OF UNNECESSARY stress. He structures the class where only 10% of students get As, so you are COMPETING AGAINST OTHERS. I haven't seen any other professor in the Econ department do this (even though he says it's a department requirement).

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3B . Fulkerson S D 11 Months Ago

Amazing lecturer, willing to help you with anything that you have trouble. Just make sure you're on top of the content and get help when needed. The TAs are also super helpful with homework and any questions that you have.

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132A . Fulkerson S D 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

He is amazing and cares about his students. He tries his best to get people into the major and good interactive lectures. The tests are hard because the economics department imposes a curve, which is not his fault. I would recommend having him as your professor.

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136A . Fulkerson S D 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

The test are tough but he lets you know that right off the bat. His lectures are cool and he makes it interesting with stories, which is huge because this material can be boring at times. Definitely one of the best Acct professors Ive had at UCSB. The curve in the class is fairly generous so it makes up for the difficulty.

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136A . Fulkerson S D 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Scott definitely knows what he is talking about and his lectures are pretty straightforward. The exams are hard, there's no other way to put it. Going to lecture helps a lot, as exam material is really whatever he talks about it in class. He even told us a few times specific concepts that would be on tests. Very good guy, relatable as well.

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See all 62 reviews
ECON 171
80 / 80 Full
Introduction to Game Theory
Ted Bergstrom 2.1
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
42.0% A
ECON 171
180 / 180 Full
Introduction to Game Theory
Rod Garratt 4.3
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
42.0% A
ECON 187
180 / 180 Full
Topics in Personnel Economics
Hoffman M
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
68.8% A
ECON 193
0 / 22 Enrolled
Internship in Economics
Ignacio Esponda 5.0
94.5% A
0 / 40 Closed
Dean's Investment Group
Susan Grover 5.0
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
100.0% A
47 / 50 Enrolled
Group Studies
Lang B J
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
100.0% A