Content will vary with each instructor. Students will be asked to do a project that acquaints them with some of the resources of the library and results in their reading beyond the primary course materials. A full description for any given quarter will be available on the English Department's website.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeGreat teaching style! Clear and concise, incorporates relevant examples into lectures which help you retain information. Good at explaining confusing concepts in different ways and willing to help you better understand everything. Tests are challenging but doable, if you put in the effort they could come across as 'easy'. No tricks!
The lab portion has unclear homework assignments and his lectures were unnecessary. The exams were pretty easy and were worth 75% of your grade. Hes not a bad professor but the subject was so boring that even he looked bored teaching it.
Hes kinda cute and his tests are super easy