Content will vary with each instructor. Students will be asked to do a project that acquaints them with some of the resources of the library and results in their reading beyond the primary course materials. A full description for any given quarter will be available on the English Department's website.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeProfessor Raley was ok, the class itself wasn't hard, it was hard to pay attention. I felt like she treated the class as if it wasn't a GE and we were all English majors. Overall just make sure you have an understanding of the assignments and you'll do good. Also attendance is mandatory for section, and missing more than 2 will affect your grade.
The materials and lectures are fine, but the professor really ruined the experience as she counts a total grade around 95 as an A-. Don't have a clear grading scale. Very few students get A. Would recommend to take other professors' Engl10 as Professor Raley really overcomplicated this course.
genius and an amazing lecturer and person!
Favorite professor
I have mixed feelings about Professor Raley. She was super generous, cared about her students, and truly passionate and educated on the material. However, her lectures could be boring and it was as if she spoke in essay format. The class was very different than your average English class, but overall wasn't too bad.
Lectures can be interesting but very often get boring and monotonous. Professor Raley is for sure an educated individual and she know's what she's talking about. It's the TA's that make it worse in this class for everyone, as very often they don't seem like they want to be there or know what they are doing. Papers are pretty strange and hard too.