The Honors Seminar is a one-term course that exposes students to the standards and best practices of research-level literary scholarship while also preparing the ground for the students' intended research topics.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
College(146PB) Does not post the course/syllabus on Canvas until the first day of lecture. Disorganized lectures and class, but very passionate about the material and cares a lot about students. Gives in-depth feedback. This class was a hot mess but prof was clearly trying his best and open to any student feedback/questions. Easy A if you put in effort.
one of the most fun courses I've taken at UCSB was Audiobooks/Podcasts with Prof. Douglass. he gives really detailed feedback and wants to help you explore topics and themes that are actually interesting to you. it's definitely worth it to go chat with him during office hours while you're working on the different projects throughout the quarter!
Audiobooks and Podcasts class. He is so caring. Let me catch up on so much work and asked me a few times throughout the quarter how he can best support me. Got to build and record on a record cutter as my final. Super organized. We wrote radio scripts and study literary audio. responded to my emails super fast! Helped create a plan for me to pass.
He is a true expert on games and other interactive works. However, he is not very organized, and it sometimes creates problems. For instance, his lectures and assignments can be unclear. I'd still recommend, because the man is a genius.
Not a great lecturer. It's hard to tell if he has a goal or lesson plan in mind for the day because he just stands and talks while occasionally pointing at the projected screen. However, his class activities are great and kept me engaged with assigned readings. More of a hands-on kind of person. Reading material is interesting too.
This was a fun class!! Class materials were actually super interesting, and it felt great to get such extensive feedback on assignments. He very obviously cares about his students and if they have a handle on the material. Sometimes he can drone on about games you don't know, but it's enjoyable to watch. Grading is well-balanced and fair.