An overview of theory and research in psychopharmacology relating to drugs of abuse. Topics may include: principles of pharmacology, neurotransmission and signaling pathways, and the neural bases of abused drugs.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeWhat they say is true. One of the best psych professors, very funny. Attendance isn't really mandatory but is encouraged. Reading the textbook helps but quizzes and midterm are very lecture-heavy. The class material is not super difficult but it is A LOT of content.
Dr. K is the best professor at UCSB. Psychopharm is a tough subject but the way she teaches it is very thorough. The lectures were longer but she helped me understand what wouldve been incredibly hard for me to learn. In reality, youre saving time by watching the long lect cause ur not spending hours trying to study and wrap your head around it.
Professor Szumlinski (Dr. K) is the BEST! She is my all time favorite professor at UCSB. The online lectures for 134 are a little longer but thats because she does a fantastic job explaining the complex concepts. Her tests are very fair. She has objectives for each lecture, fill those out and understand them and you will do well!
WORST PROFESSOR EVER. DO NOT TAKE HER. SHE IS SO UNACCOMMADATING. she literally only cares about her research and thats it. she doesnt care about teaching and goes wayyy over her lecture time. very rude.
Although psychopharmacology is a tough a class that has a lot of information, she makes the information interesting and understandable. She is a great teacher for this class. As long you put time into doing the objectives, you will pass
I am a senior and she is the best professor I have had at UCSB. If you are interested in the subject you will do well. Her lectures are always interesting and she is amazing at breaking down the material and explaining it so it is easy to understand. Highly recommend taking her classes!!!