A combined laboratory/lecture course that emphasizes the theoretical issues, experimental methods, and data analysis techniques relevant to the study of sensation and perception.
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeSeniors only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeSuper fun/straight forward class!
Based on the reviews I was slightly nervous about taking this class. Came to find out that Eckstein is one of the best professors at UCSB. People complaining about the tests being difficult clearly didn't pay attention to lectures or go for that matter. The essentially tells you what's going to be on the test if you show up.
Loved the class despite the really hard content. If anyone else taught this class, it easily could have been my least favorite class at UCSB. But he is engaging, super knowledgeable, and great at explaining things in OH. Textbook and lectures are key to passing the class. I recommend going to his office hours a lot!
Honestly a very likable and funny guy. His slides are very vague, so going to lecture is pretty essential. Midterm and Final, with a couple of easy quizzes. Pay attention and do the readings, this class was cool.
Professor Eckstein is not the easiest professor but he is fair and does his best to make the material interesting and easy to understand. He really wants to make sure you're engaged and gives you opportunities to redeem yourself when you're falling behind. Had him as a research professor and for PSY130 & PSY129L, put in the effort and he'll reward.
Very interesting/engaging material. Exams/Quizzes come directly from lectures so I recommend paying attention but if you do miss a lecture, the corresponding book chap will fill in most gaps. Prof is a great guy that definitely knows his stuff and has a sense of humor. He does give EC for participation. One of the better classes I've taken at UCSB.