An overview of theory and research in multimedia learning. Topics may include: exploring how people learn from words (such as spoken text or printed text) and graphics (such as pictures, diagrams, video, or animation), with a focus on evidence-based principles for designing effective multimedia presentations.

Prerequisites: Open to Psychological & Brain Sciences, Biopsychology, and Interdisciplinary Studies majors only.





1, 2, 3



Level Limit

Letters and science

These majors only psy intst bipsy pbs
Richard Mayer
40 reviews
Spring 2024 . Mayer R E Delgado C Y
LSB 1001
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
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PSY 125 Mayer R E Spring 2024 Total: 88
PSY 125 Mayer R E Spring 2023 Total: 91
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PSY125 . Mayer R E 9 Months Ago

He is a good professor that is passionate and knowledgeable about the topics he is teaching. He wrote the textbook, after all. Very insightful and reasonable towards all students' circumstances.

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PSY125 . Mayer R E 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

i clicker quizzes every class in place of midterm and final. does not post lecture slides until the following week. content and lectures are boring and repetitive. no offense to prof mayer himself; he's a kind person.

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PSY125 . Mayer R E 5 Years Ago

Being in this class was a slow painful death. Never thought a class focused on teaching/learning would have a professor who couldn't teach or make the material somewhat interesting. Buy the books if you have insomnia because reading the first page will make you fall asleep so fast. Boring class, stay away, I had more fun with physics and ochem.

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PSY125 . Mayer R E 5 Years Ago

Really great class if you are interested in education. There is a ton of reading but it is basically the same as what's presented in the lecture so doesn't make the class more complicated. Tests are super fair and your grade also consists of pretty straight forward projects and in class quizzes. Overall great class and super nice man.

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PSY124 . Mayer R E 3 Months Ago

I loved this class! The material is straightforward. You are graded on four projects, a weekly chapter review, and in-class "pop" quizzes. They are not too difficult. He totally wants you to succeed, and I love that he designed the class to reflect how we best learn, which is literally what he is teaching about. I am so glad I took this course!

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PSY124 . Mayer R E 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

For anyone with attention deficits don't take this course. He doesn't post slides before the class and quiz questions are extremely specific with 1 minute to finish each question in class. Lectures are long and boring. A lot of quiz questions come from very specific studies in the reading and he assigns 2 50 page chapters per week.

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See all 40 reviews
PSY 120L
100 / 100 Full
Laboratory in Advanced Research Methods
Vanessa Woods 3.5
13:00 PM - 14:50 PM
53.9% A
PSY 122
110 / 110 Full
Neuroscience of Motivation
Ron Keiflin 4.2
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
42.8% A
PSY 129L
29 / 30 Enrolled
Laboratory in Perception
Miguel Eckstein 4.1
10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
58.2% A
PSY 132
52 / 100 Enrolled
Visual Neuroscience
Michael Beyeler 5.0
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
36.3% A
PSY 134
106 / 110 Enrolled
Psychopharmacology: Drugs of Abuse
Karen Szumlinski 4.5
17:00 PM - 18:15 PM
57.5% A
PSY 137
125 / 125 Full
Behavioral Endocrinology
Murata E M
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
44.3% A