Smart Cities promote social and human capital, support a more competitive economy, expand participation in government, increase access to opportunities, and protect natural resources. Smart technology, including self-driving cars, can help us save lives, decrease pollutant emissions, and use resources in a sustainable way. Which technologies are smart and can they achieve sustainable pathways? Which cities have done this and how? Are Smart Cities sustainable and resilient? This course will answer these questions by examining real-life experiments, review current technologies, and explore future developments using scientific papers, popular press, and online media.
PasstimeUpper division only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegePretty smart professor and an easy A. Very interesting if you are interested in transportation if not still a cool class.
A caring professor for students. This course is graded by 8 labs and weekly quizzes. Quizzes are based on his lectures, which are easy if you participate or watch the slides. Labs are R coding exercises, follow the instructions it will be easy. Goulias is a n expert, definitely recommend this course to folks who are fond of transportation systems
There are seven labs, a midterm, a group project, and a final solo project. Labs can be tricky so attendance definitely helps but it's not mandatory because everything is online on R. Prof Goulias is very kind and tries his best to make lectures interesting.
Prof Goulias provides a pretty extensive introduction to transportation planning, R, and data management. The course doesn't ask much of you but Goulias still maintains passion for what he is teaching and actively wants you to succeed. One of the friendliest and kindest professors I've ever met so far at UCSB.
Almost dropped this class and Im so happy I didnt! Goulias is so nice and funny, one of the best professors I've had at UCSB. The class was only 2 papers and a take home final, super easy and really interesting topics considering our time period.
did't go to class for most of quarter, only read slides. tests are common sense