Fieldwork experiences to explore professional writing in particular workplace contexts. The professional writing may be in varied genres, in print and/or digital media. Students create documents for the instructor and participate in periodic seminars with the instructor and Minor students.
2 - 4
UnitsPass no pass
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeUpper division only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeProfessor Cotich is extremely helpful outside of class if you want feedback and wants you to come to office hours. At times I felt the material and expectations were not clear in what he wanted from us. The class was very interesting and it teaches you a lot about persuasive writing and change. You have to work for a good grade and put in the work.
Super inconsiderate about what you are going through.
Craig is a master at his craft. 105 was by far one of the most challenging but rewarding classes I have taken. Definitely not an easy A but you'll learn to appreciate grammar. The material takes time and effort to understand but Craig is available to you 24/7. He genuinely wants you to succeed in his class. He's also super funny and approachable.
One of the best teachers I've had at UCSB. He is passionate about the subject and shows genuine care for his students' progress. While it takes work to get good grades, I wouldn't say he is a hard grader as much as a teacher who sets clear and rigid expectations, and if you follow them, you should do well.
Professor had good lectures, but wasn't very approachable. Still, an interesting class.
I had a great time in Prof. Cotich's class! I took a couple upper divs with him. He's a bit intimidating (at least I thought so) but I had no problem getting time to talk with him outside of class--never had any time where I couldn't get feedback. Also really empathetic in my experience and was understanding with issues. Took classes pre-COVID.