Introduction to key statistical concepts and their appropriate application so that students understand how to use statistics. Examines foundational statistical concepts of descriptive statistics, probability, and sampling distributions and introduces some of the major concepts and inferential statistical techniques used in psychological research to test hypotheses.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeRatner is a great professor. 10B overall is not too tricky of a class, but it is statistics. Ratner is great about answering questions and his lectures are clear. He clearly wanted us to succeed.
Ratner is a really good professor and tests more than fairly. He does not record lectures so it is a really good idea to show up to class. His in-depth lectures tend to be pretty tedious and he talks real slow. I found myself having a really hard time paying attention in class. Tests are pretty easy though!
One of the best professors that I have had. Very understanding and you will know what is required of you. Tests reflect well what is taught in class and are not meant to trick you. Weekly lab and homework assignments, one midterm and one final. Overall, an easy A if you pay attention and do your assignments.
Really nice guy, straightforward grading and lectures were engaging.
Dr. Ratner is such a kind and caring professor, and he really wants his students to succeed. Even though it's statistics and it can be boring, he really cares about it and presents the material in an engaging way. He's accessible over email and is great in office hours, either just to have a conversation with or get class help. Highly recommend!
Fair professor: the material he tests you on is pretty fair. He made lecture attendance optional, so attendance grade came out of lab attendance. Extremely accessible out of class, and made concepts clear if you went to office hours. You have to actually try to fail this class, but to get an A you need to work for it. Would definitely recommend.