Kyle Ratner

27 reviews
Caring Clear grading criteria Accessible outside class Amazing lectures Respected Get ready to read Lots of homework Lecture heavy Graded by few things Test heavy Tough grader Participation matters Gives good feedback Hilarious
Past quarters
100 / 100 Full
Statistical Methods in Psychological & Brain Sciences
Kyle Ratner 4.4
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
58.4% A
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PSY 592FS Ratner K G Spring 2024 Total: 0
PSY 152 Ratner K G Winter 2024 Total: 150
PSY 10B Ratner K G Fall 2023 Total: 95
PSY 592FS Ratner K G Fall 2023 Total: 0
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PSY152 . Ratner K G 2 Months Ago

Class graded on vid. presentation, midterm, and final. Ratner is approachable and very excited about answering students' questions during lecture. Content is straight-forward and applicable to daily life, and the assigned papers (despite being sometimes dense) were insightful and interesting (featured as test questions, too!) Ratner was great!

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PSY152 . Ratner K G 2 Months Ago

he gives great lectures, provides slides before class and recordings afterward, moves through content at a very reasonable pace, and always is open to questions. He is very kind and makes class an enjoyable and interactive experience if you want it to be one. the grade breakdown was midterm, video presentation, and final.

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PSY152 . Ratner K G 4 Months Ago

He is terribly boring, and goes over 10 examples per topic, without actually teaching anything, I personally would avoid like the plague. Probably my least favorite proffesor I've had at UCSB.

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PSY152 . Ratner K G 1 Year, 1 Day Ago

AMAZING. Ratner is very passionate and caring professor. The grade breakdown of this class was very intimidating because it was heavy on one midterm and the final. If you go to lectures, read the readings, and study a fair amount you should do great in this class.

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PSY152 . Ratner K G 1 Year, 3 Days Ago

Ratner is an amazing professor and genuinely cares about his students. He is so amazing, I had to come on here and write a positive review for him! His class was interesting and clear. For tests, he doesn't try to trick you. Class is graded only by a few things. He is a really awesome professor and teaches really well. Super caring & wants to help

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PSY10B . Ratner K G 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Ratner is a great professor. 10B overall is not too tricky of a class, but it is statistics. Ratner is great about answering questions and his lectures are clear. He clearly wanted us to succeed.

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PSY10B . Ratner K G 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

Ratner is a really good professor and tests more than fairly. He does not record lectures so it is a really good idea to show up to class. His in-depth lectures tend to be pretty tedious and he talks real slow. I found myself having a really hard time paying attention in class. Tests are pretty easy though!

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PSY152 . Ratner K G 2 Years Ago

ratner is one of the best upperdiv psych profs. lectures and exams are very straightforward in terms of material. he uses a lot of studies to explain terminology, which is helpful to understand the meaning of the term. assigns reading that is tested on exams but they're interesting so i would say j do them. highly recommend taking this class!

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PSY10B . Ratner K G 3 Years Ago

One of the best professors that I have had. Very understanding and you will know what is required of you. Tests reflect well what is taught in class and are not meant to trick you. Weekly lab and homework assignments, one midterm and one final. Overall, an easy A if you pay attention and do your assignments.

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PSY152 . Ratner K G 3 Years Ago

Loved his lectures. Pretty engaging and easy to follow. His quizzes are straight from his lectures so there's no surprises/trick questions. Grade consisted of 8 quizzes (10 points each) - online 15 minutes due every sunday. Timing can seem a little stressful but youll be fine honestly.

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PSY10B . Ratner K G 3 Years Ago

Really nice guy, straightforward grading and lectures were engaging.

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PSY1OB . Ratner K G 4 Years Ago

Ratner's one of the best professors I've had at UCSB so far. He's super chill and has extremely clear grading criteria. He makes statistics almost entertaining and is very clear about the content that will be on the exams. I recommend doing textbook practice problems with lecture slides open next to you, and you'll easily get an A no doubt

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