An introduction to the basic concepts, theories, and problems of international relations; balance of power, deterrence, the states system, imperialism, realism, idealism, levels of explanation, war and peace.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeI'd highly recommend taking any class w/ Narang, he's a great lecturer and is super sweet & funny too! Class required lots of reading but I found that lecture basically summed reading up. Also, probably the easiest political science class imo and very interesting too!
One of my favorite professors ever. Definitely take his class if you can. Super nice guy and really informative and entertaining lectures. Lecture attendance not mandatory but he covers the same info as the textbook so I never read and went to lecture instead. Easy to get a good grade as long as you pay attention. Love him
Professor Narang is a great guy, and great lecturer too. Lots of assigned readings but I was rarely on top of those tbh and no problems ever really came up from that. Section was kinda lame but easy points.
Narang is an amazing professor! Recommend taking any Pol S classes with him.
Narang is super engaging and very friendly, makes attending lectures not a burden but he doesn't care if you come or not. The readings are heavyyy and you shouldn't skimp on them but if you miss some you won't suffer too hard. Very few grades though basically just participation and the exams but he gives you study guides.
Best prof ever, read the entire textbook even though his lectures follow it closely, but that was a ton of reading. aside from reading, no hw and the midterm/final wasn't bad, he is really rooting for his students and wants them to succeed in his class. he's knowledgeable and makes material easily comprehensible through funny lectures.