Lectures in special areas of interest in political science. Specific coursetitles to be announced by the department each quarter offered.
PasstimeUpper division only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeHe was a good lecturer, interesting class. three 500 word response papers, a section presentation, and a final with extended response questions and you could choose which questions to answer.
Prof. Mildenberger is smart and delivers the course content smoothly. He knows both qualitative and quantitative stuffs and it's really enjoyable to attend his lectures for anyone interested in political studies. His lectures are nearly elegant proses to be honest. Many nuanced points and inspirations popped up in lectures! Clear grading as well.
I absolutely LOVED this professor. I am an ES major and it was the most interesting class I've taken. the response papers helped digest the material. He truly cares about what he is teaching and thoroughly explains information. He doesn't post slides with words on it, so you need to go to class.
Prof. Mildenberger is super smart and really kind. He wants people to understand the material. He doesn't talk too fast so you have time to take notes. The class is hard, but since you have to take it to get into the major, I think he does a great job making the statistics material clearer to understand. He's one of the best in the dept.
Prof Mildenburger is nice but doesn't put anything on his slides so it's difficult for visual leaners because you can only listen to his voice. Also, it is kind of hard to follow him bc he goes into a lot of examples of dif countries and doesn't explicitly say definitions of things. Lot's of dense academic journals that were not really necessary
He was a really nice and accommodating guy. He pushed back our problems sets for POLS 15 multiple times so we had more time to work on it. Pretty challenging class but he was good at explaining.