Introduction to the theory of Lorentz covariant quantized fields. Global and local conservation laws. Path integral formulation. Applications to quantum electrodynamics, quantum chromodynamics, and electroweak interactions. Other possible topics include grand unification, the renormalization group, anomolies, current algebra and supersymmetry.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeHe is passionate about the materials and gives a clear detailed lecture. The content is challenging by its nature, but the course is very fruitful.
Steve is a leading physicist in high energy physics, and his QFT course is a must take. Ideas are clearly laid out and his lectures are very well organized. Can't recommend him more.
Steves QFT is great, rigorous, smooth transition from QM. His problem sets stretches your mind and gives you a taste of common techniques used in frontier researches such as random matrix theory and string theory. Very inspirational. He is also a great explainer. Go to his office hour and chat with him!
Professor Giddings can arrange amazing lectures. His class is absolutely interesting. And also a fair grader
The highlight of this class was the teaching. Giddings took a tough subject and clearly laid out the logic, making it easy to understand. Attending lecture was necessary because he didn't really follow the textbook but also didn't post notes.
Lectures were laid out clearly, and Steve was very responsive to questions. Homeworks were somewhat time-intensive, but informative. Wasn't very helpful on homework questions during office hours. Not very personable, but always nice, and that's all I can ask for from a physicist.