Fundamental principles; Schroedinger equation; angular momentum; perturbation theory; scattering theory, emission, and absorption of radiation; Dirac equation.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeSelf-study class. He puts a lot of effort into the lecture demonstrations, but they dont actually help with learning. I recommend making a study group. Homework is difficult, but you have multiple tries, and section helps a lot. The midterm was normal, the final was absolutely ridiculous. There are also some in quizzes which are very easy.
lol what an experience tbh. super passionate but lol twas a wild ride. if you do all the book problems youll be completely fine.
Bouwmeester's lectures are very theoretical-leaning and, according to him, are intended to complement the textbook instead of teaching you the material. In other words, Phys 2 is a self-taught class with Bouwmeester helping you. The tests always have the hardest problem you can think of on them. This class killed my 4.0.
Bouwmeester is honestly not as bad as most of the reviews. He does tend to go on tangents, so honestly the textbook is what you should be thorough with. But talking to him about concepts is really nice because he does a really good job of explaining things. This course is really challenging, the concepts themselves are tough.
I think Dirk gets a bad rep, but his classes are quite engaging. The content sometimes goes off topic, but the demonstrations are fun and aid in actually understanding concepts. I think the one problem with this class is that it is just SO hard. I think people are generally blaming their struggle with EXTREMELY difficult content on Dirk's teaching
If you end up taking his class. I advise you to either learn this class on your own or be ready to study HARD. I was the latter. As for his tests, the midterm was completely normal, aside from the lack of MCQs, and the final was HELL, 6 questions, one was easy, one had subparts for to A->M, and the others required out-of-the-box thinking