Steve Giddings

12 reviews
Amazing lectures Respected Inspirational Skip class? You won't pass. Clear grading criteria Would take again Lots of homework Hilarious Caring Graded by few things
Past quarters
5 / 30 Enrolled
Relativistic Quantum Field Theory
Steve Giddings 3.5
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
83.8% A
PHYS131 . 3 Years Ago

He is passionate about the materials and gives a clear detailed lecture. The content is challenging by its nature, but the course is very fruitful.

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PHYS221A . 4 Years Ago

Steve is a leading physicist in high energy physics, and his QFT course is a must take. Ideas are clearly laid out and his lectures are very well organized. Can't recommend him more.

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PHYS221A . 4 Years Ago

Steves QFT is great, rigorous, smooth transition from QM. His problem sets stretches your mind and gives you a taste of common techniques used in frontier researches such as random matrix theory and string theory. Very inspirational. He is also a great explainer. Go to his office hour and chat with him!

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PHYS1 . 8 Years Ago

Professor Giddings can arrange amazing lectures. His class is absolutely interesting. And also a fair grader

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PHYS221A . 9 Years Ago

The highlight of this class was the teaching. Giddings took a tough subject and clearly laid out the logic, making it easy to understand. Attending lecture was necessary because he didn't really follow the textbook but also didn't post notes.

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PHYS221A . 9 Years Ago

Lectures were laid out clearly, and Steve was very responsive to questions. Homeworks were somewhat time-intensive, but informative. Wasn't very helpful on homework questions during office hours. Not very personable, but always nice, and that's all I can ask for from a physicist.

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PHYS4 . 14 Years Ago

He doesn't care about his students too much, even in office hours. His homework was twice as hard as Freedman's was and was worth 3/4 as many units. So if you take his class, you will learn about the topics but you will hate him when you're done.

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PHYS4 . 15 Years Ago

Worst physics, let alone college professor I have had yet. Lectures were straight out of the book, yet somehow less understandable. Provided almost no help when asked. Enormous amounts of homework, tests were nearly impossible, and iClickers were 20% of your grade, 15% of that being reading quizzes from the assigned pre-lecture reading.

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PHYS4 . 15 Years Ago

Worst class I have ever EVER taken. He requires that you read the textbook prior to lecture (checked by iClicker quizzes - 15% of grade), and then lectures on the same exact material. Lecture is a waste of time, but required to be there for iClickers. Giddings does not respect his students, nor does he care if they learn.

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PHYS4 . 15 Years Ago

Horrible. I clicker quiz every single day about the reading the night before (15% of grade!). Many days I did the reading, and still didnt ace them. 15-20 masteringphysics questions, twice a week. Tests are ridiculously hard. Average on the midterm was 61, and the final was probably lower. Bottom Line: just avoid him.

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PHYS4 . 15 Years Ago

The second worst teacher i had below freedman. His lectures are useless because all he does is write formulas. If we do not understand how to do a problem he will tell us to read the book. He rarely does problems on the board and assigns too many mastering physics problems and iclicker quizzes. Simply the worst physics teacher i ever had.

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PHYS4 . 15 Years Ago

Like a robot he is very dry in the way he acts and is extremely robotic in the way he teaches and carries himself in class. Does not seem personable.

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