Introduction to the philosophical study of the most general and fundamental features of reality. Topics vary, but may include universals, particulars, identity and individuation, substance, the nature of persons, causation, and the nature of time.
Level LimitLetters and science
College3 papers, the first is worth 20% while the last two are both worth 35% and each are about 3-4 pages long. Attendance in section and lecture are both mandatory, each account for 5% of the grade. These papers require some intense analysis and thought behind them, but his lectures are very straight forward and are very useful in the papers.
Long lectures will be very easy to sit through. He keeps your attention the whole time(very exciting and enthusiastic guy). If you have a problem just reach out to him; he'll definitely help out. The class is based on 3 papers and attendance. No final. Show up to class listen. Read before papers. Get the A
He is super clear and his lectures are interesting
The class along with professor was captivating and very interesting, a good GE for people somewhat interested in philosophy. the grade is based on 3 papers, the lowest paper score is dropped, the textbook is given, and online, attendance in lectures gets you extra credit.
Korman's a good lecturer. 90% of grade is 3 papers, but he drops the lowest one. The papers were graded by the TAs, which is where my only complaint comes from (took off points but didn't explain why). I'd recommend this class as a GE (P/NP) bc it's pretty easy, and once you write two papers, you're basically chilling for the rest of the class.
If you couldn't get an A in this class, it's probably your fault, not Korman's. It's pretty easy and attendance is extra credit. Graded on three papers, the lowest one gets dropped, plus weekly guaranteed A assignments. If you have any experience with writing you'll be fine. My TA was awful though and the class is more about arguing than philosophy