Daniel Korman

43 reviews
Amazing lectures Graded by few things Clear grading criteria So many papers Tough grader Gives good feedback Accessible outside class Hilarious Caring Respected Get ready to read Participation matters EXTRA CREDIT Would take again Skip class? You won't pass. Tests? Not many Inspirational Online Savvy
Past quarters
6 / 120 Enrolled
Daniel Korman 4.3
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
23.3% A
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PHIL1 . A Month Ago

The class along with professor was captivating and very interesting, a good GE for people somewhat interested in philosophy. the grade is based on 3 papers, the lowest paper score is dropped, the textbook is given, and online, attendance in lectures gets you extra credit.

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PHIL1 . A Month Ago

Korman's a good lecturer. 90% of grade is 3 papers, but he drops the lowest one. The papers were graded by the TAs, which is where my only complaint comes from (took off points but didn't explain why). I'd recommend this class as a GE (P/NP) bc it's pretty easy, and once you write two papers, you're basically chilling for the rest of the class.

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PHIL1 . 2 Months Ago

If you couldn't get an A in this class, it's probably your fault, not Korman's. It's pretty easy and attendance is extra credit. Graded on three papers, the lowest one gets dropped, plus weekly guaranteed A assignments. If you have any experience with writing you'll be fine. My TA was awful though and the class is more about arguing than philosophy

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PHIL1 . 2 Months Ago

The content is relatively interesting however this professor makes it clear he does not want his students to succeed. It was apparent that he is very concerned about his class being too easy so he makes it a point to deduct grades for unreasonable motives. Overall would not recommend to take this course as a GE.

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PHIL1 . 2 Months Ago

Course was interesting, but did not go as in depth as I had hoped. 95% of grade is based on 3 papers, of which the lowest grade is dropped, so you have a margin for error. There is a tiny grade boost offered for section and lecture attendance. Writing the papers themselves was relatively trivial. Expectations are rather low. ~2-4 hours per paper.

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PHIL1 . 2 Years Ago

The class structure is set up very well and it's super easy to pass. Class lectures and content is interesting, but can get very boring if you aren't engaged, very you get what you give. Although straightforward and easy to pass, grading on papers is very harsh and it is difficult to score high. Based on your TA's, BEFRIEND THEM.

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PHIL1 . 2 Years Ago

Korman is a great professor and lecturer, however, the class content itself is nowhere near as interesting as I thought it would be. It became repetitive after the first 2 weeks but attendance was mandatory. TA's can make or break your grade and outlook on this course, most TA's are harsh graders (get ready for B's on papers).

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PHIL1 . 2 Years Ago

Wasn't that interesting of a class unless you really enjoy arguing. The grade was based on three papers, one of which (the lowest grade) gets dropped. Depending on the TA, papers could be easily graded or not. Finding out exactly what the TA wants before writing your papers matters a lot.

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PHIL1 . 2 Years Ago

This class is really easy, but the grading is heavily based on essays. It is a really easy pass but really hard A. If you just take it for GE, recommend to choose pnp.

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PHIL1 . 2 Years Ago

The class is "easy" but the TA's grade so hard for no reason because it is easy to get an A. They would give B- on every paper just because there were too many A's in the class.

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PHIL1 . 2 Years Ago

Korman is definitely an engaging professor, but unfortunately, the material in Phil 1 wasn't as interesting as I expected it to be. You will learn to assemble an argument but there are no deep philosophical discussions like I was hoping. He's definitely a kind-hearted person though who cares about his students!

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PHIL1 . 2 Years Ago

The course is really intriguing, but can be a little redundant and repetitive at times. Other than that its pretty easy and there are only three papers the whole quarter that make up the whole grade. He drops the lowest score

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