An introduction to some of the main issues generated by the philosophical question, "What is law?" In what sense is conduct made obligatory by the existence of law? What, if any, is the relationship between law and morals? What are rules? What does it mean to say that a rule exists? Do courts really apply rules or merely pretend to do so?
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeLectures and reading intensive, he does his best to simplify concepts to an extent. He does tend to talk extremely fast but is nice about repeating himself. You need to make sure you're at lectures to get participation points. DO THE READING.
His class essentially doesn't help at all, but you should expect to recite the textbook. Tough exams but not unmanageable. Many exhausting participation points, which I think is very bad design.
I dont know why my mans gets so much slander, taught 142B and 110L. Makes you dig deep into the material and will have challenging test questions, but has generous curve. Overall a nice guy who makes you work with peers.
The exam is super difficult. He tried to improve the level of the class by letting students learn by themselves or drop the class. Not even as caring about students as other biochemistry professors, but you have to take this class anyway if you want to get a degree at UCSB, while he will be your worst enemy to let you get that. DONT TRY THIS CLASS!
Dont know what all the hate is for. Everything is straight out of the book and yeah its challenging buts its a challenging subject. Curves are nice
"The average is a lot lower than I expected, but I'm waiting for the students that lowered the average to drop the class to bring it back to what the average should be. So I'm not going to curve the midterm." -Brandon Greene 3 live lectures, and video lectures, and read the textbook for quizzes before each lecture, still not enough for the test.