Finite difference methods for hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptic PDE's, with application to problems in science and engineering. Convergence, consistency, order and stability of finite difference methods. Dissipation and dispersion. Finite volume methods. Software design and adaptivity.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeCeniceros was a great teacher. Clearly very knowledgeable about the material. Lectures moved a bit quickly but it was never unmanageable. Midterms and final had simple questions and the class never got too challenging overall.
Professor Ceniceros is a fun and smart guy but can't teach. His lectures are fast and he rarely takes questions. I learned about half of the material of my own. The easy midterms and mildly difficult final make getting an A in his class not that hard.
The midterms were really easy and the final was more difficult. The homework isn't too bad. He goes through the examples really fast, so you won't have the chance to take notes or understand fully during lecture. Personally, I had to relearn everything outside of class because I couldn't understand the content fast enough during lecture.
midterm, homework very doable and easy. final not too bad, just a lot of studying outside of class since lecture tends to move really fast
He tried to be funny in class and final wasnt that bad just had some stuff (2Qs) that were on rlly new stuff we just learned. Hw is literally ez bc you can try until its right and the midterms werent too bad just be sure to study and maybe study off the textbook😜gave lots of examples in lecture
Professor Ceniceros is funny and knows how to lighten the mood in class. I wouldn't recommend writing notes while he goes over them in class because he tends to go quickly at times. I received a 71% only because I didn't study, and on the next midterm, I received an 83%. The final was easy as well the only difficult part was the last two problems.