Topics in approximation theory; numerical methods for finding eigenvalues of a matrix; and advanced topics in numerical methods for ordinary and partial differential equations.
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeProf. Ceniceros knows his stuff about numerical analysis. I truly learned a lot from him and he is quite funny in class just to make lecture not boring. Numerical analysis is really hard b/c the content is huge, but he encourages students to go to his office hour and it is been very helpful.
He might be passionate about numerical analysis ... but he's not a good teacher. It's sad the lecture recordings were from over a year ago.
Really chill dude. One midterm thats similar to the practice, no final but has a project. Homework are really helpful
His lectures were inspiring. I had no clue what I could do professionally until I took this class. He connects concepts to the real world. Great prof and sweet person too. This class with him is a must for all applied math majors.
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Ceniceros was a great teacher. Clearly very knowledgeable about the material. Lectures moved a bit quickly but it was never unmanageable. Midterms and final had simple questions and the class never got too challenging overall.